[EuroPython] Language Advice for Speakers?
Christian Tismer
tismer at stackless.com
Sun Jun 29 18:31:59 CEST 2008
Jack diederich wrote:
> I think "fast talk" is a personal style or cultural thing and isn't related
> to geekiness. To cite two non-native English speakers (and
> python geeks) Christian Tismer is mile-a-minute and Alex Martelli never
> uses two words when one would do. The same spread applies to
> American speakers: Glyph Lefkowitz will talk you to death
> whereas Tim Peters (Buddhist author of "import this") would simply stab
> you and walk away.
Mile-a-minute -- does that mean something fast, like that
fast-growing wheat?
While searching for a translation, I stumbled over this one :-)
I never thought to be fast talking. Maybe I do it because I want
to hide that I'm no native speaker. Bad fault. Will try the
opposite at EuroPython, talking so slowly that I wake up from
the audience's snoring :-)
cheers - chris
Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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