[EuroPython] EuroPython 2009 videos?

Michael Sparks sparks.m at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 20:32:33 CEST 2009

On Saturday 11 July 2009 19:02:31 Chris Dew wrote:
> I noticed someone setting up a little (SD card?) video recorder on a
> tripod, just in front of the speaker, at several talks during EuroPython
> 2009.
> Does anyone know who this was, and whether the talk videos will be made
> public?

It was me, and I'll post a message to the list when they're all
transcoded, up and visible - to avoid spamming the list repeatedly.
I'm  about halfway through, and unsorted at present, and here:

   * http://europython09.blip.tv/

My favourite is this one:
   * http://europython09.blip.tv/file/2338579/

The reason it's taking time is because the files generated are
generally 4GB in size, and blip.tv only accepts files up to 1GB in

You can find out more details on my blog here:
   * http://yeoldeclue.com/cgi-bin/blog/blog.cgi?rm=viewpost&nodeid=1246925071

Though I've had to change that script slightly (one line) due to
discovering that ffmpeg can create broken files as far as the rest of
the world is concerned. That script is however a nice example also of
how concurrency can make your life easier rather than harder if you
use an appropriate model. (That script maxes out my machine very
happily, even though it's written in python, and I'm using a dual core

Transcode is happening overnight, and upload is happening when I'm at
work. (ie transcode when I'm not using the CPU, and upload at a place
with an upload speed 10x faster than home)

In case you're wondering why I'm not serving the raw original video -
I don't have the space (on a server) or bandwidth to host >80GB of



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