[EuroPython] How about to move the mailing list to Google Groups?

Michael Sparks sparks.m at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 18:13:20 CEST 2009

On Friday 17 July 2009 12:33:04 Michael Foord wrote:
> A downside of google groups is that they suffer from substantially more
> spam. The online UI is much nicer though.
> Michael

You can use google groups in way that suffers from less spam though.
You can set it such that anyone subcribed to the list can post without
moderation and that people outside can post but is moderated. You can
also set it such that anyone's *first* post to the list is moderated,
and finally you can also delete spam.

If that happened, I'd suggest that a small collection of volunteers
were in place to do the moderation. We do this on the kamaelia list,
which is people don't tend to see spam there.

I also think spammers tend to target lists that post spam, AFAICT.

That said, there are some people apparently who don't like google
groups for reasons I've not heard well articulated, which never made
sense to me so I'll leave it to them to articulate :-)

Also, unlike python.org, google groups doesn't reject my normal mailer
(kmail+exim, etc). (This is the reason I'm really paying attention to
the concurrency sig since it was decided to move it to python.org,
since it's a PITA to have to use a web mail system to post to it.)

That said, personally I'm +1 on the idea.



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