[EuroPython] europython 2011 -- it is now October 11.

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Sun Oct 11 18:49:25 CEST 2009

I said at Europython I wanted those who wanted to bid on EP 2011 to
please have a bid ready by the end of September.

Contrary to stereotype, I have received one, only 1 day late (ok, there
is the stereotype, but I was asked for 'until the end of the week
to check figures') from PyCON Italia.  I gave the Germans a week extension
and I still haven't seen anything.  And the Italian one looks perfectly
acceptable to me -- I won't veto this one on the grounds of incompetance.
So, Germans, Finns, and any of the rest of you who want in on this one ....
get your proposal in by the end of the next week -- Oct 16 -- or lose it

And for all of you who will get to vote this later ... remember that the
Italian bid gets extra bonus points for _submitting on time_, which
is a major indication of 'having one's shit together' -- the
single most necessary qualification of being competant enough to
successfully run a Europython.

If the Germans submitted one and my spam filter ate it, I will
apologise in my next note.  But for me its ....

Italy +1 (+1 for effort)
everybody else (0)


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