[EuroPython] little BOFs again

Michael Foord mfoord at python.org
Fri Jun 18 18:30:59 CEST 2010

On 18/06/2010 17:19, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> just to ask if there's going to be "little bofs", because i'd like to
> invite people to submit mini patches to bring grailbrowser up-to-date
> with its regexes.  i've managed to get grailbrowser running under
> python2.4, but there are 90 regexs that need converting, either with
> python 2.4's reconvert.py module or by hand.  once those are done
> it'll happily run under python2.4-2.7
> http://github.com/lkcl/grailbrowser

One possibility would be to use PyPy, with its new C extension support, 
to get sandboxing.

Implementing a renderer for any *recent* version of html is going to be 
more work though... :-)

All the best,


> l.
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