From info at  Wed Jun  1 19:53:19 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2011 17:53:19 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Conference almost sold out!
Message-ID: <>

We got to it even earlier than expected: we have just sold the 600th ticket!

We have currently suspended registrations, pending some internal auditing. We
want to check exactly how many people will be present on each day, and we need
to discuss with the venue staff to check if there is a way to handle more
people (the bottleneck seems to be the catering).

If you have bought a weekly ticket, please you to make sure that you have
[filled in][1] the information on the exact days that you will be attending.
The ticket is valid for the whole week, but if you already know that you will
be at the conference only on some days, please let us know.

We hope to come back with good news as soon as possible. Stay tuned!


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From info at  Thu Jun  2 14:36:35 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2011 12:36:35 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] 50 more tickets, get yours fast!
Message-ID: <>

Through the internal auditing and some discussion with the hotel staff, we are
confident to be able to handle about 50 more guests at the conference.

We are now reopening the registrations. We strongly suggest that you act fast
and [get your ticket][1] as soon as possible. Given the current rate, we
believe that these 50 tickets will be sold in **less than 3 days**.

### If you got a ticket, we need your help!

Please, help us in the following ways. It will take 10 minutes of your time,
and could be invaluable for a better conference for everybody:

  * Specify which days you will be present at the conference by [editing your
ticket][2]. If you have a weekly ticket, you will still have access through
the whole week, but marking the exact days of presence will help us selling
more tickets and thus more people to enjoy the conference.

  * Go through the [schedule][3] and quickly mark with the "like" button all
the talks that you might be interested in following, to help us matching
physical rooms to tracks (and yes, we are already taking the community voting
into account). We'll not enforce your "likes" on the schedule, so don't worry!




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From info at  Fri Jun  3 09:38:00 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2011 07:38:00 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Getting fun in the evening: the PyEvents!
Message-ID: <>

As previously announced, we are unveiling today the [PyEvents][1]! Have fun
with our socializing meetups and coding competitions!

We have prepared a [dedicated page][1] that lists all the social events for
the evening and we are in progress of updating the schedule to reflect them as

In addition to the [PyFiorentina conference dinner][2] (by the way, remember
to book it!), you are welcome to join the PyBeer, for which we arranged a
special convention with a local pub. And on Friday 24th, don't miss the
fireworks made by the city of Florence for his patron festivity!

But if coding and Python it's what you are all about, we have **two** Python
coding competitions, with wonderful prizes (such as, Android smartphones!):
the EuroPython Google Code Jam and the Python Challenge. We will disclose more
details about the rules in the following days. For now, just remember that
they are free to join, and they require you to work on your laptop (we cannot
supply computers and/or monitors to work on).

As usual, stay tuned!

## We need your help!

If you got a ticket for EuroPython, please go to the [schedule][3] and mark
the talks you are willing to follow by pressing the "like" button (after
login); this is important for both the talks and the [4-hours hands-on
trainings][4]. It will help us arranging the rooms. Thanks!





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From info at  Fri Jun  3 23:54:08 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2011 21:54:08 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Random Interview: Calvin Cheng
Message-ID: <>

We have selected some speakers through random.choice() to be featured on the
EuroPython 2011 blog! Today we introduce you Calvin Cheng!

### What's your name and what do you do?

Hello, people know me by Calvin Cheng and I am a developer in Odeon Consulting
Group ([][1]). We build mobile apps (both native and web) and
web apps with Python/Django.

We are honoured to be involved in some really interesting scientific projects
with reputable universities like ETH Zurich and University of Southern

### How did you start using Python?

Working in a team required us to be disciplined in organizing our code base.
Python, in the context of Django and Git, gives us a wonderful way to keep
organized and grow a simple app over time into a complex and still usable

We began as a software team using PHP in 2007 but it simply wasn't good enough
to help us collaborate effectively as a team. We discovered Django in 2008 and
have never looked back since!

### Name one Python feature you wouldn't live without.

List comprehension of course! I use it all the time and cannot imagine Python
without this simple, but effective feature.

### What is your talk/training about?

I am sharing our experiences working with geodjango, postgis deployed for an
interesting applied ecology mobile web app.

This web app is unique because it allows users to compute how biodiversity is
affected as a result of land use decisions in developing countries with large
tracts of primary forests. Users can plot polygons on a google map showing
tracts of forests and these polygons are used to represent areas before and
after certain land use decisions are made.

### Tease us with one secret that will be revealed during your talk/training

How we use openlayers and jquery for frontent user input in order to save the
data into our spatial/django database seamlessly!

### Name another talk you wouldn't miss in the same track on the same day, and

[Developing a Cad application as an hobby. My exciting hobby is now my
job!][2] by Matteo Boscolo.

I am always interested in CAD and drawing-related software (such as blender)
and it would be interesting to hear about what Matteo is doing in his CAD

### What would you tell someone who is still in doubt whether to register to
EuroPython or not?

Well, there are so many interesting talks relating to Python in this year's
EuroPython it will be a shame if you miss it!

This is a huge opportunity to meet up with fellow Pythonistas, learn from each
other and upgrade your own skills and knowledge!

## Next Interview Online: June 7th.



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From info at  Tue Jun  7 18:02:39 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2011 16:02:39 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Get ready for sprinting!
Message-ID: <>

We have just opened the official EuroPython [sprint page][1] where you can
submit new sprint ideas and register for a sprint!

We are now waiting for great submissions: if you have an idea about a hacking
session that you would like to share to fellow Pythoneers, [submit a sprint

Sprints are opened for everyone to join (even people that have not bought a
ticket for the conference) and are **completely free**. If you plan to attend
to the sprints, just [register to those you][3] like after [logging in][4] to
the website. It's just one click away!

### Good EuroPythoneer's checklist

  * [Ticket][5]

  * [Hotel][6]

  * Travel

  * [Data/Tethering SIM][7]

  * [PyFiorentina][8] conference dinner reservation

  * At least one [tour of the city][9]

  * Marked all talks I like in the [schedule][10]

  * Printed [my personalized schedule][11] listing all talks I like

  * Printed 5-10 paper copies of my CV for the [recruiting session][12]

  * Registered for the [@europython][13] on Twitter

  * Read EuroPython [blog][14]/[RSS][15]

  * Have fun with 600 programmers in Florence













20join</a></li> %0A<li>Follow%20<a%20href=



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From info at  Thu Jun  9 16:07:49 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2011 14:07:49 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] 15 more tickets (and that's really all!)
Message-ID: <>

Thanks to most people that fully compiled their ticket information and
specified the exact day of attendance, and some additional arrangement with
the venue staff, we are able to reopen registration for a maximum of 15 more

We are impressed that so many people contacted us asking to reopen the
registration because they really wanted to join EuroPython! We hope that
selling these last 15 tickets will make them happy!

Please notice we are selling them with the on-desk fare to compensate for the
additional effort on our side to make this possible.

## Already got a ticket? Have a look at the schedule!

The navigation panel now features a button called [My Schedule][1] that shows
you a nice printable list of all the talks that you _liked_ in the schedule.

This is really great to bring with you a list of the talks that you decided to
follow in a nice readable format. You just need to [login][2] on the website,
go the [schedule][3] and _like_ the talks that you want to follow.

More news in the following days, don't miss our communcations!




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From mal at  Thu Jun  9 19:59:14 2011
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:59:14 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Speaker list and schedule as iCal file
Message-ID: <>


I have two questions:

1. Will you put up a list with all the speakers on a single page ?

2. Will the schedule be available as calendar file in some form ?

The first request would be nice to find talks by speakers rather
than by time slot.

The second would be nice to have, since it makes integration
with calendar apps a lot easier, e.g. Lightning, iCal, Smartphones.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Jun 09 2011)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...
2011-05-23: Released eGenix mx Base 3.2.0
2011-05-25: Released mxODBC 3.1.1    
2011-06-20: EuroPython 2011, Florence, Italy               11 days to go

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! :::: Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
    D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
           Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

From rasky at  Thu Jun  9 20:44:40 2011
From: rasky at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2011 20:44:40 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Speaker list and schedule as iCal file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1307645080.2253.74.camel@lilax>

On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 19:59 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Hello,
> I have two questions:
> 1. Will you put up a list with all the speakers on a single page ?

We have this on our todo list, which is obviously very late :P

Can you please clarify how you would like this list to look like? Just a
list of all the names, linked to the personal profile page of each

Or would you rather have a list with the speaker name and all the talks
that each speaker gives, like:

 Giovanni Bajo (=> link to profile)
    * "PyInstaller", Track Foobar, 9:30
    * "Debug & Profiling", Track Barfoo, 17:30

> 2. Will the schedule be available as calendar file in some form ?

It's also in the todo list. We would like to publish both the full
schedule and the personalized schedule ("My Schedule") in ical.

BTW, the EuroPython schedule in the guidebook app
( is almost ready and will be probably
published for free download during next week.
Giovanni Bajo

From carl at  Thu Jun  9 20:53:29 2011
From: carl at (Carl Karsten)
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 13:53:29 -0500
Subject: [EuroPython] Speaker list and schedule as iCal file
In-Reply-To: <1307645080.2253.74.camel@lilax>
References: <> <1307645080.2253.74.camel@lilax>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Giovanni Bajo <rasky at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 19:59 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have two questions:
>> 1. Will you put up a list with all the speakers on a single page ?
> We have this on our todo list, which is obviously very late :P
> Can you please clarify how you would like this list to look like? Just a
> list of all the names, linked to the personal profile page of each
> speaker?
> Or would you rather have a list with the speaker name and all the talks
> that each speaker gives, like:
> ?Giovanni Bajo (=> link to profile)
> ? ?* "PyInstaller", Track Foobar, 9:30
> ? ?* "Debug & Profiling", Track Barfoo, 17:30
>> 2. Will the schedule be available as calendar file in some form ?
> It's also in the todo list. We would like to publish both the full
> schedule and the personalized schedule ("My Schedule") in ical.
> BTW, the EuroPython schedule in the guidebook app
> ( is almost ready and will be probably
> published for free download during next week.

As long as someone is coding a schedule export, it would be good to
provide a .json feed described here;

Prolly isn't going to happen this event, but will be used if the code
base ever gets used for an event where I do video.  so sort of future
proff.  Won't be disappointed if it doesn't happen.

> --
> Giovanni Bajo
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython 2011 - Florence June 20-26
> EuroPython mailing list
> EuroPython at

Carl K

From mal at  Thu Jun  9 20:55:07 2011
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2011 20:55:07 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Speaker list and schedule as iCal file
In-Reply-To: <1307645080.2253.74.camel@lilax>
References: <> <1307645080.2253.74.camel@lilax>
Message-ID: <>

Giovanni Bajo wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 19:59 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have two questions:
>> 1. Will you put up a list with all the speakers on a single page ?
> We have this on our todo list, which is obviously very late :P
> Can you please clarify how you would like this list to look like? Just a
> list of all the names, linked to the personal profile page of each
> speaker?
> Or would you rather have a list with the speaker name and all the talks
> that each speaker gives, like:
>  Giovanni Bajo (=> link to profile)
>     * "PyInstaller", Track Foobar, 9:30
>     * "Debug & Profiling", Track Barfoo, 17:30

This later format would be perfect. Perhaps you could also add the
speaker picture to better recognize a speaker among the
600 attendees :-)

BTW: Congratulations to your success ! This is going to be the
biggest EPC ever.

>> 2. Will the schedule be available as calendar file in some form ?
> It's also in the todo list. We would like to publish both the full
> schedule and the personalized schedule ("My Schedule") in ical.

Fantastic !

> BTW, the EuroPython schedule in the guidebook app
> ( is almost ready and will be probably
> published for free download during next week.

Nice :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Jun 09 2011)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...
2011-05-23: Released eGenix mx Base 3.2.0
2011-05-25: Released mxODBC 3.1.1    
2011-06-20: EuroPython 2011, Florence, Italy               11 days to go

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! :::: Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
    D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
           Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

From rasky at  Thu Jun  9 23:08:32 2011
From: rasky at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2011 23:08:32 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Speaker list and schedule as iCal file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <1307645080.2253.74.camel@lilax>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 20:55:07 +0200, "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at>
> Giovanni Bajo wrote:
>> On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 19:59 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have two questions:
>>> 1. Will you put up a list with all the speakers on a single page ?
>> We have this on our todo list, which is obviously very late :P
>> Can you please clarify how you would like this list to look like? Just
>> list of all the names, linked to the personal profile page of each
>> speaker?
>> Or would you rather have a list with the speaker name and all the talks
>> that each speaker gives, like:
>>  Giovanni Bajo (=> link to profile)
>>     * "PyInstaller", Track Foobar, 9:30
>>     * "Debug & Profiling", Track Barfoo, 17:30
> This later format would be perfect. Perhaps you could also add the
> speaker picture to better recognize a speaker among the
> 600 attendees :-)
> BTW: Congratulations to your success ! This is going to be the
> biggest EPC ever.

Thanks! We're past 650 registrations right now, and still ticking. Though
we'll keep the congratulations on hold until the conference is over... :)
Giovanni Bajo

From info at  Fri Jun 10 19:41:52 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 17:41:52 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Random Interview: Denis Bilenko
Message-ID: <>

We have selected some speakers through random.choice() to be featured on the
EuroPython 2011 blog! Today we introduce you Denis Bilenko!

### What's your name and what do you do?

Denis Bilenko, I'm working on an awesome new startup [][1] that
implements screen sharing for webapps. I'm mostly doing backend part where
it's all Python with a few C/Cython pieces for performance.

I also wrote and maintain Gevent, a coroutine-based network library for

### How did you start using Python?

My first Python program for which I wasn't the only user was a monitoring
application for Particle Accelerator Detector at Budker Institute of Nuclear

It was supposed to be written in C++, the standard language in the lab, but I
was convinced Python is a better fit. My boss was skeptical but open-minded,
so we gave it a try. The important part of it was making bindings for a couple
C dependencies, where  ctypes really simplified things. The project was a
success and the development speed felt much more rapid.

### Name one Python feature you wouldn't live without

The abundance of quality 3rd party packages besides already rich standard

### What is your talk/training about?

It is about Gevent and how it makes life of a network/web application
developer easier. If you already know what Gevent is, you'll find interesting
what's coming in the next major release (the changes are quite serious).

### Tease us with one secret that will be revealed during your talk/training

I'll tell what the next major release of Gevent (0.14) does differently when
interacting with Python GC and how it affects your program.

If you are not a user of Gevent yet, you might find revealing the fact that
managing lots of concurrent connections does not have to be more complex than
managing a single one in a simple script.

### Name another talk you wouldn't miss in the same track on the same day, and

**Spotify and Python: love at first sight**. I'm curious about this one
because Spotify is a prominent user of Gevent.

### What would you tell someone who is still in doubt whether to register to
EuroPython or not?

If you haven't been to EuroPython before, I recommend to attend, it's a great
event to meet interesting, like-minded people. If you already attended, you
probably would not have doubts.


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From info at  Sun Jun 12 19:09:24 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:09:24 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Random Interview: Fabio Rotondo
Message-ID: <>

We have selected some speakers through random.choice() to be featured on the
EuroPython 2011 blog! Today we introduce you Fabio Rotondo!

### What's your name and what do you do?

My name is Fabio Rotondo and I am the owner of OS3 srl, a software company
located in Novara.

### How did you start using Python?

I started using Python in 1998 / 1999. I don't remember exactly. In those days
I was into learning new programming languages (no matter how famous or useful
they were ...) so I step into Python. I must say I was really fascinated. It
was so powerful! I wrote an article on an Italian Amiga magazine about it,
introducing its strengths. Consider also that Python used to fully integrate
with the Amiga OS, becoming a valuable help in scripting tasks for system

Then I ported Python inside the company I worked for in those years, because
Python scripts were faster than Korn Shell's scripts I used to write to
manipulate texts.

### Name one Python feature you wouldn't live without

Two things I can't live without: lists and dictionaries. They are extremely
fast and very well implemented. I think that one think you should be able to
program Python in a "pythonic" way is to understand how often a problem is
just a matter of right lists and dictionaries manipulation. They integrate so
well in the language, it is a pleasure to use them.

### What is your talk/training about?

I am introducing two things: PyHP which is a server side scripting solution to
create dynamic websites (very similar in philosophy to PHP, but with python as
scripting language) and the LiWE framework, a full feature framework to create
great websites in minutes!

### Tease us with one secret that will be revealed during your talk/training

Well.... my talk will be "PyHP and the Art of Dating Girls" ... should I say
more? ;-)

A part from this, LiWE has a very strong AJAX approach at its base, I thin
that even if you use a different framework, you should see how we do things in
LiWE framework.

### Name another talk you wouldn't miss in the same track on the same day, and

[Image processing in Python][1]. Image manipulation is something I've always
been into. I think I'll have to see it on video, later :-)

### Name another training that you wouldn't miss at EuroPython.

Experiences making CPU-bound tasks run much faster, this is interesting
because when you start making big projects in Python, you always come across
performance issues. I think this training can help a lot.

### What would you tell someone who is still in doubt whether to register to
EuroPython or not?

EuroPython is going to be a unique experience. Python meetings are full of
talented users and programmers, and the experience you can gain from this kind
of meetings is invaluable. You should really consider registering and coming!


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From konstantin.baikov at  Mon Jun 13 17:31:32 2011
From: konstantin.baikov at (Konstantin Baikov)
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:31:32 +0300
Subject: [EuroPython] laptop question
Message-ID: <>


Do you have some spare laptops for training sessions? Or each participant is
required to bring their own? Perhaps i can rent one for the week?

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From info at  Mon Jun 13 17:55:44 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 15:55:44 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Wifi pre-registration now online
Message-ID: <>

If you come to the conference and plan to use the free wifi service, you can
now [preregister][1]

Due to really silly Italian regulations, we are forced to identify and
register every person that uses the free wifi connection at EuroPython. Please
head to the [wifi information page][1] to read all the details.

The wifi service is managed by our partner [ComCom][2]. They run a well-known
and respected Hostpot wifi service in Italy, and we are positive that they are
setting up a network capable of handling the high peaks of traffic we expect
to be generated at the conference.

Beyond wifi, we are also setting up a wired network with many switches,
ethernet cables, and power plugs in every room. Notice that "many" is still
far from a 1:1 ratio to partecipants, so wifi will still be the primary mean
of connection to the Internet.

Remember also that we are selling [prepaid voice+data+tether SIMs][3], and you
are still in time to buy one if you want. We will be able to sell them at the
conference as well, but activation requires up to 12 hours, so we suggest you
to buy them online right now if you plan to get one.

### Good EuroPythoneer's checklist

  * [Ticket][4]

  * [Hotel][5]

  * Travel

  * [Data/Tethering SIM][3]

  * [PyFiorentina][6] conference dinner reservation

  * Marked all talks I like in the [schedule][7] with the "like" button

  * Printed [my personalized schedule][8] listing all talks I like

  * Printed 5-10 paper copies of my CV for the [recruiting session][9]

  * Registered for the [sprints I want to join][10]

  * Preregistered for the [free wifi service][1]

  * Follow [@europython][11] on Twitter

  * Read EuroPython [blog][12]/[RSS][13]

  * Have fun with 650 programmers in Florence














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From rasky at  Mon Jun 13 18:39:07 2011
From: rasky at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:39:07 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] laptop question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1307983147.2312.81.camel@lilax>

On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 18:31 +0300, Konstantin Baikov wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you have some spare laptops for training sessions? Or each
> participant is required to bring their own? Perhaps i can rent one for
> the week?

No, we actually didn't think of setting up a service for this. Something
to improve for the next year!

Giovanni Bajo

From tw at  Mon Jun 13 18:41:02 2011
From: tw at (Thomas Waldmann)
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:41:02 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Wifi pre-registration now online
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1307983262.14630.35.camel@x300>

> Due to really silly Italian regulations,

Agreed! :)

>  we are forced to identify and register every person that uses the
> free wifi connection at EuroPython. Please head to the wifi
> information page to read all the details.

Well, there are some issues with that:

a) most visitors from abroad don't have an italian SIM

b) quite some maybe don't have a credit card (or maybe don't want to
give it for that purpose)

c) ComCom wants you to agree to 3 longish terms in italian language,
which most people from abroad won't even be able to read/understand.
There is a button at the top right to switch to English, but that does
not change the language of the terms.

So I guess you should be prepared to have quite a lot of people at your
conference wifi registration point.

If you also want them to agree to longish terms there, please have a
copy of them in English.

Also, what is the point of that registration? It looks like it only
would make "sense" if they (ComCom) log everything you do on the
internet and store that log (for how long?).

That internet access via wifi, is it completely open or filtered
somehow? ssh will work?

From rasky at  Mon Jun 13 20:46:31 2011
From: rasky at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 20:46:31 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Wifi pre-registration now online
In-Reply-To: <1307983262.14630.35.camel@x300>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1307990791.2312.277.camel@lilax>

On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 18:41 +0200, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
> > Due to really silly Italian regulations,
> Agreed! :)
> >  we are forced to identify and register every person that uses the
> > free wifi connection at EuroPython. Please head to the wifi
> > information page to read all the details.
> Well, there are some issues with that:
> a) most visitors from abroad don't have an italian SIM
> b) quite some maybe don't have a credit card (or maybe don't want to
> give it for that purpose)
> c) ComCom wants you to agree to 3 longish terms in italian language,
> which most people from abroad won't even be able to read/understand.
> There is a button at the top right to switch to English, but that does
> not change the language of the terms.

We found out about this too late in the game, and at that point ComCom
refused to provide a legal translation for those terms.

Would it be any better if we provided a non-binding/non-legal
translation of those terms on our website? I can see if we can find a
few cycles to do that.

> So I guess you should be prepared to have quite a lot of people at your
> conference wifi registration point.

ComCom will handle them, and I had already warned them :)

> Also, what is the point of that registration? It looks like it only
> would make "sense" if they (ComCom) log everything you do on the
> internet and store that log (for how long?).

Yes, that's the point. The whole traffic is tunneled through VPN on
their servers, and they log the traffic at the NAT/connection-level and
associate it with the login, and then put it out through their public IP
range. All ISPs in Italy are required to do the same (unless they have 1
IP per person, which most do, at which point it's easier since they just
need logs to show assignments between end-users and the dynamic IPs).

So when the police will see that IP (in ComCom's public range)
at 12:45pm have connected to a terrorist website, they will directly go
to ComCom, and ComCom is prepared to show them a log of who was actually
doing that connection.

(I'm trying to be serious while I'm writing the above paragraph, but
hilarity obviously ensues; I'll refrain from posting political comments
on our government and their understanding of technology)

Article 4 in the longer agreement roughly says that the log is
absolutely private and will be shown only to police, and that is kept as
long as current Italian laws forces them to do. I've double-checked the
law and it's 4 years.

> That internet access via wifi, is it completely open or filtered
> somehow? ssh will work?

100% open. SSH will work. It's behind a NAT, so you can't run servers on
it. Each user is fully isolated so that it cannot communicate to anybody
else (so you actually need a USB pendrive to copy files to someone else,
or roundtrip through the public Internet).

Please notice that, for trainings and sprints, we plan to have at least
1 ethernet cable per person, and connection through ethernet is a
totally different network that does not require identification nor
registration. Plug the cable, dhcp, and there you go.

I am really sorry for these troubles. Our number one goal has been to
partner with a company that we technically trusted as to build a working
wifi network. We know how amateur-made wifi networks can be at
conferences, and we do in fact trust ComCom to deliver a reliable wifi

We cannot help much with Italian regulations, and we didn't have enough
cycles to further integrate with them and to soften edges in the
registration process (eg: sharing registration with them,
providing a way to upload an ID as an alternative preregistration path,
Giovanni Bajo

From tw at  Mon Jun 13 21:40:39 2011
From: tw at (Thomas Waldmann)
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 21:40:39 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Wifi pre-registration now online
In-Reply-To: <1307990791.2312.277.camel@lilax>
References: <>
	<1307983262.14630.35.camel@x300>  <1307990791.2312.277.camel@lilax>
Message-ID: <1307994039.14630.58.camel@x300>

> We found out about this too late in the game, and at that point ComCom
> refused to provide a legal translation for those terms.
> So I guess you should be prepared to have quite a lot of people at your
> conference wifi registration point.
> ComCom will handle them, and I had already warned them :)

So, if they refuse to provide an english translation, do they expect
everybody blindly agreeing to their italian terms in a hurry, at their
in-conference desk?

To me, it somehow looks like it is their job to provide an acceptable
translation if they provide services at an international conference.

I don't think they'll need a lawyer for this, if they provide just an
acceptable translation, it would be fine for most cases, IMHO.

> Would it be any better if we provided a non-binding/non-legal
> translation of those terms on our website? I can see if we can find a
> few cycles to do that.

Well, I think if some trusted native italian speaker reads it and can
either give a translation or at least tell that there is nothing
inacceptable in it (with keeping in mind that acceptance levels might be
individually different), that would help and be better than having no
choice than either to blindly agree to some italian legalese or be cut
off from the internet for a week or having to pay big bucks for roaming.

> (I'm trying to be serious while I'm writing the above paragraph, but
> hilarity obviously ensues; I'll refrain from posting political comments
> on our government and their understanding of technology)


> I've double-checked the law and it's 4 years.

Oh, "great". :-*

> > That internet access via wifi, is it completely open or filtered
> > somehow? ssh will work?
> 100% open. SSH will work.

OK, great.

> Please notice that, for trainings and sprints, we plan to have at least
> 1 ethernet cable per person, and connection through ethernet is a
> totally different network that does not require identification nor
> registration. Plug the cable, dhcp, and there you go.

Good plan! In our sprint we might need some peer networking to clone
some hg repos or so.

> I am really sorry for these troubles. Our number one goal has been to
> partner with a company that we technically trusted as to build a working
> wifi network. We know how amateur-made wifi networks can be at
> conferences, and we do in fact trust ComCom to deliver a reliable wifi
> network. 

Assuming that 500 geeks use the wlan, I expect breakage somehow (just
from experience). But let's see, I'ld like to be proven wrong. :))

> We cannot help much with Italian regulations, and we didn't have enough
> cycles to further integrate with them and to soften edges in the
> registration process (eg: sharing registration with them,
> providing a way to upload an ID as an alternative preregistration path,
> etc.).

Thanks to all the organizers who do the best to have a great conference!

From mfoord at  Mon Jun 13 21:43:10 2011
From: mfoord at (Michael Foord)
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 20:43:10 +0100
Subject: [EuroPython] Wifi pre-registration now online
In-Reply-To: <1307994039.14630.58.camel@x300>
References: <>	<1307983262.14630.35.camel@x300>
	<1307990791.2312.277.camel@lilax> <1307994039.14630.58.camel@x300>
Message-ID: <>

On 13/06/2011 20:40, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>> We found out about this too late in the game, and at that point ComCom
>> refused to provide a legal translation for those terms.
>> So I guess you should be prepared to have quite a lot of people at your
>> conference wifi registration point.
>> ComCom will handle them, and I had already warned them :)
> So, if they refuse to provide an english translation, do they expect
> everybody blindly agreeing to their italian terms in a hurry, at their
> in-conference desk?
> To me, it somehow looks like it is their job to provide an acceptable
> translation if they provide services at an international conference.
> I don't think they'll need a lawyer for this, if they provide just an
> acceptable translation, it would be fine for most cases, IMHO.

Probably legally it wouldn't be fine, which I guess is why they won't do 
it. That and they don't have to. And yes, they will expect you to agree 
their terms and conditions, you not speaking the native language is your 
problem not theirs. :-)


>> Would it be any better if we provided a non-binding/non-legal
>> translation of those terms on our website? I can see if we can find a
>> few cycles to do that.
> Well, I think if some trusted native italian speaker reads it and can
> either give a translation or at least tell that there is nothing
> inacceptable in it (with keeping in mind that acceptance levels might be
> individually different), that would help and be better than having no
> choice than either to blindly agree to some italian legalese or be cut
> off from the internet for a week or having to pay big bucks for roaming.
>> (I'm trying to be serious while I'm writing the above paragraph, but
>> hilarity obviously ensues; I'll refrain from posting political comments
>> on our government and their understanding of technology)
> :D
>> I've double-checked the law and it's 4 years.
> Oh, "great". :-*
>>> That internet access via wifi, is it completely open or filtered
>>> somehow? ssh will work?
>> 100% open. SSH will work.
> OK, great.
>> Please notice that, for trainings and sprints, we plan to have at least
>> 1 ethernet cable per person, and connection through ethernet is a
>> totally different network that does not require identification nor
>> registration. Plug the cable, dhcp, and there you go.
> Good plan! In our sprint we might need some peer networking to clone
> some hg repos or so.
>> I am really sorry for these troubles. Our number one goal has been to
>> partner with a company that we technically trusted as to build a working
>> wifi network. We know how amateur-made wifi networks can be at
>> conferences, and we do in fact trust ComCom to deliver a reliable wifi
>> network.
> Assuming that 500 geeks use the wlan, I expect breakage somehow (just
> from experience). But let's see, I'ld like to be proven wrong. :))
>> We cannot help much with Italian regulations, and we didn't have enough
>> cycles to further integrate with them and to soften edges in the
>> registration process (eg: sharing registration with them,
>> providing a way to upload an ID as an alternative preregistration path,
>> etc.).
> Thanks to all the organizers who do the best to have a great conference!
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython 2011 - Florence June 20-26
> EuroPython mailing list
> EuroPython at


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing

From rasky at  Mon Jun 13 22:53:34 2011
From: rasky at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 22:53:34 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Wifi pre-registration now online
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<1307983262.14630.35.camel@x300>
	<1307994039.14630.58.camel@x300> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 13 Jun 2011 20:43:10 +0100, Michael Foord <mfoord at>
> On 13/06/2011 20:40, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>>> We found out about this too late in the game, and at that point ComCom
>>> refused to provide a legal translation for those terms.
>>> So I guess you should be prepared to have quite a lot of people at
>>> conference wifi registration point.
>>> ComCom will handle them, and I had already warned them :)
>> So, if they refuse to provide an english translation, do they expect
>> everybody blindly agreeing to their italian terms in a hurry, at their
>> in-conference desk?
>> To me, it somehow looks like it is their job to provide an acceptable
>> translation if they provide services at an international conference.
>> I don't think they'll need a lawyer for this, if they provide just an
>> acceptable translation, it would be fine for most cases, IMHO.
> Probably legally it wouldn't be fine, which I guess is why they won't do

> it. That and they don't have to. And yes, they will expect you to agree 
> their terms and conditions, you not speaking the native language is your

> problem not theirs. :-)

Exactly. I tried to raise the point and they told me that their legal
counsel told them that it is perfectly fine to ask people to agree to a
contract in Italian to use a service in Italy. What we all (here) do
obviously agree on is that, while being "perfectly legal", it is totally

Our contract with them requires that the service is provided in English,
and they think they are complying. I think that starting an argument with
them right now would be useless.

Since our goal is and has always been to soften all rough edges and let
you "just enjoy" a conference, we will try to come up ourself with a rough
translation as soon as possible.

I'll let you know as soon as it is online.
Giovanni Bajo

From rasky at  Mon Jun 13 23:10:35 2011
From: rasky at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 23:10:35 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Wifi pre-registration now online
In-Reply-To: <1307994039.14630.58.camel@x300>
References: <>
	<1307983262.14630.35.camel@x300> <1307990791.2312.277.camel@lilax>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 13 Jun 2011 21:40:39 +0200, Thomas Waldmann <tw at>

>> Please notice that, for trainings and sprints, we plan to have at least
>> 1 ethernet cable per person, and connection through ethernet is a
>> totally different network that does not require identification nor
>> registration. Plug the cable, dhcp, and there you go.
> Good plan! In our sprint we might need some peer networking to clone
> some hg repos or so.

No problem with that, all users connected to the ethernet will be on the
same LAN.
Giovanni Bajo

From kitblake at  Tue Jun 14 11:24:03 2011
From: kitblake at (Kit BLAKE)
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 11:24:03 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Wifi pre-registration now online
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<1307983262.14630.35.camel@x300> <1307990791.2312.277.camel@lilax>
Message-ID: <>

On 13 Jun 2011, at 23:10, Giovanni Bajo wrote:

>> Good plan! In our sprint we might need some peer networking to clone
>> some hg repos or so.
> No problem with that, all users connected to the ethernet will be on  
> the
> same LAN.

If one has both a laptop and a smartphone, should you make two wifi  
accounts? Or will you be able to use both simultaneously.


Kit BLAKE ? Infrae ? + 31 10 243 7051

From roberto.rgarofalo at  Tue Jun 14 14:03:16 2011
From: roberto.rgarofalo at (Roberto Garofalo)
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 14:03:16 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Fwd:  laptop question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I have another question about laptop . Could be possible to use a Netbook
for the training session ?

Since I would like to bring my Netbook since it is more manageable...

There is some minimal requirements about software, memory and disk  to
follow with profit the Training Session ?

Thanks a lot


2011/6/13 Konstantin Baikov <konstantin.baikov at>

> Hi,
> Do you have some spare laptops for training sessions? Or each participant
> is required to bring their own? Perhaps i can rent one for the week?
> Thanks
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython 2011 - Florence June 20-26
> EuroPython mailing list
> EuroPython at
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From rasky at  Tue Jun 14 14:59:15 2011
From: rasky at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 14:59:15 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Fwd:  laptop question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1308056355.3279.26.camel@lilax>

On Tue, 2011-06-14 at 14:03 +0200, Roberto Garofalo wrote:
> Hi,
> I have another question about laptop . Could be possible to use a
> Netbook for the training session ? 
> Since I would like to bring my Netbook since it is more manageable...
> There is some minimal requirements about software, memory and disk  to
> follow with profit the Training Session ?

It depends on which training. You are better off contacting directly the
trainer by, eg., writing a comment on the training page. 

We suggested all speakers to activate notifications on comments on their
talk/training page, so the speaker could react very quickly if you leave
him/her a comment on the page.

Giovanni Bajo

From rasky at  Tue Jun 14 15:00:09 2011
From: rasky at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 15:00:09 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Wifi pre-registration now online
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<1307983262.14630.35.camel@x300> <1307990791.2312.277.camel@lilax>
	<1307994039.14630.58.camel@x300> <>
Message-ID: <1308056409.3279.27.camel@lilax>

On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 22:53 +0200, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
> Since our goal is and has always been to soften all rough edges and
> let
> you "just enjoy" a conference, we will try to come up ourself with a
> rough
> translation as soon as possible.
> I'll let you know as soon as it is online. 

The full translation is now online, linked from the wifi page.

Direct link:

Giovanni Bajo

From tw at  Tue Jun 14 15:05:37 2011
From: tw at (Thomas Waldmann)
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 15:05:37 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Fwd:  laptop question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I have another question about laptop . Could be possible to use a
> Netbook for the training session ? 

That's a bit hard to answer without knowing the training session you
refer to.

But in general a netbook is ok for doing python stuff (assuming that you
can live with its speed and the sometimes poor display resolution).

Maybe have Python 2.7.x installed (except if you are going to a python3
training) and a reasonable editor (== not windows notepad/wordpad :).

Of course, on a low-power machine you maybe rather want to use some
lightweight stuff for editing (like vim or gedit on Linux or your
favourite windows editor) than heavyweight stuff like eclipse/pydev.

> There is some minimal requirements about software, memory and disk  to
> follow with profit the Training Session ?

If there are special requirements, I guess it would be rather obvious
from or even given in the training description. E.g. if you are going to
some Python3 training, have Python 3.x installed. If you are going to
some Python QT training, have Python and QT stuff installed.

From info at  Tue Jun 14 18:35:27 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:35:27 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] See the estimated attendance of each talk!
Message-ID: <>

If you go through the [ schedule][1] now, you can check how crowded each talk
is going to be.

If you see a warning sign next to a talk, it means that we expect that the
attendance of the talk will be higher than the room allows. If you were
planning to attend that talk, you might want to have an alternative ready in
case things go bad and you don't make it into the room.

We are doing this estimate through the number of "likes" each talk has
received (plus some complicated and uninteresting heuristics), so it is
updated in real-time as people go through the schedule and like/dislike talks.
We will revisit the heuristics to further tune them in the next days.

If you are really curious about the raw numbers, on each talk page you will
find the raw estimate of attendance. I believe most speakers will be very
curious about it... For instance, if you visit the page of [PyPy in
production][2] you can see that the current estimate of attendance is
currently 94 people. Not bad!

### Room changes and reschedules

The schedule was made taking in _full_ account the results of the community
voting. This means that we expect most of it to be sound with respect to room

Nonetheless, we are ready to do last-minute changes to allow everybody enjoy
the talks they would like to follow. This basically means that:

  * In rare cases, we might decide to swap rooms at the last minute. If this
ever happens, staff members will help you reach the right room.

  * For trainings, we will ask trainers' availability for a reschedule (that
is, doing it again in the following days). We will clearly communicate these
reschedules so that if you miss it the first time, you might still make it to
the reschedule.

### Remember to like the talks!

Now it's the perfect time for you to go through the schedule and "like" the
talks you like most. Not only you will help refining the estimate of
attendance, but you will also end up with a nice [printable "My Schedule"][3]
to bring with you!

### Good EuroPythoneer's checklist

  * [Ticket][4]

  * [Hotel][5]

  * Travel

  * [Data/Tethering SIM][6]

  * [PyFiorentina][7] conference dinner reservation

  * Marked all talks I like in the [schedule][1] with the "like" button

  * Printed [my personalized schedule][3] listing all talks I like

  * Printed 5-10 paper copies of my CV for the [recruiting session][8]

  * Registered for the [sprints I want to join][9]

  * Preregistered for the [free wifi service][10]

  * Follow [@europython][11] on Twitter

  * Read EuroPython [blog][12]/[RSS][13]

  * Have fun with 650 programmers in Florence














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From rasky at  Thu Jun 16 00:34:03 2011
From: rasky at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 00:34:03 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Speaker list and schedule as iCal file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:59:14 +0200, "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at>

> 1. Will you put up a list with all the speakers on a single page ?


(linked from the navigation panel)
Giovanni Bajo

From mal at  Thu Jun 16 09:11:23 2011
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 09:11:23 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Speaker list and schedule as iCal file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Giovanni Bajo wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:59:14 +0200, "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at>
> wrote:
>> 1. Will you put up a list with all the speakers on a single page ?
> Done:
> (linked from the navigation panel)

Thanks, Giovanni!

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Jun 16 2011)
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2011-06-20: EuroPython 2011, Florence, Italy                4 days to go

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    D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
           Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

From rb.proj at  Thu Jun 16 16:27:36 2011
From: rb.proj at (Reimar Bauer)
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 16:27:36 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Amerigo Vespucci Airport - railway station
Message-ID: <>


just looking on google maps for the railway station close to Amerigo
Vespucci Airport

Can you please share its coordinates .


From rasky at  Thu Jun 16 16:46:15 2011
From: rasky at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 16:46:15 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Amerigo Vespucci Airport - railway station
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1308235575.2552.40.camel@lilax>

On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 16:27 +0200, Reimar Bauer wrote:
> Hi
> just looking on google maps for the railway station close to Amerigo
> Vespucci Airport
> Can you please share its coordinates .

The text on the "where" page was a little confusing. I've just clarified
it. Let me know if it makes more sense now :)
Giovanni Bajo

From rb.proj at  Thu Jun 16 17:10:51 2011
From: rb.proj at (Reimar Bauer)
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 17:10:51 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Amerigo Vespucci Airport - railway station
In-Reply-To: <1308235575.2552.40.camel@lilax>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Giovanni Bajo <rasky at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 16:27 +0200, Reimar Bauer wrote:
>> Hi
>> just looking on google maps for the railway station close to Amerigo
>> Vespucci Airport
>> Can you please share its coordinates .
> The text on the "where" page was a little confusing. I've just clarified
> it. Let me know if it makes more sense now :)

very good


> --
> Giovanni Bajo

From info at  Thu Jun 16 17:21:45 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 15:21:45 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython digital guide now available as smartphone
Message-ID: <>

We are happy to announce that you can now download the first version of the
EuroPython digital guide, as a smartphone application or mobile-friendly

We have partnered with [GuideBook][1] to offer a compelling app to browse the
schedule, look at the hotel map, and so on.

GuideBook is a free smartphone application (iOS and Android) that will let you
download the EuroPython guide and **browse it offline**. Moreover, a builtin
notification system will alert you whenever we will push a new update to the
guide, so that you can always keep in your pockets the latest version of the
conference schedule.

In fact, unfortunately, there are still changes going on in the [schedule][2]
that are forced by last-minute cancellation of speakers. We are trying to
minimize the reshuffling as much as possible, and Lorenzo (our speaker
manager) is working hard to fill all the missing slots with new talks.

We are also doing a few track swaps to better prepare for the [estimated
attendance][3] of each talk. You should hopefully see the number of warning
signs in the schedule reduce over the next hours.

Alas, since the conference booklets are already being printed, the version of
the schedule you will find in there will be slightly outdated. We will try to
communicate all changes clearly during the conference to compensate for this.

### Good EuroPythoneer's checklist

  * [Ticket][4]

  * [Hotel][5]

  * Travel

  * [Data/Tethering SIM][6]

  * [PyFiorentina][7] conference dinner reservation **(now sold out)**

  * Marked all talks I like in the [schedule][8] with the "like" button

  * Printed [my personalized schedule][9] listing all talks I like

  * Printed 5-10 paper copies of my CV for the [recruiting session][10]

  * Registered for the [sprints I want to join][11]

  * Preregistered for the [free wifi service][12]

  * **Downloaded the [Guidebook app][13] on my smartphone.**

  * Follow [@europython][14] on Twitter

  * Read EuroPython [blog][15]/[RSS][16]

  * Have fun with 650 programmers in Florence

















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From info at  Sun Jun 19 22:16:34 2011
From: info at (info at
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 20:16:34 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Random Interview: Thomas Perl
Message-ID: <>

We have selected some speakers through random.choice() to be featured on the
EuroPython 2011 blog! Today we introduce you Thomas Perl!

### What's your name and what do you do?

My name is Thomas Perl. I'm currently a master student at University of
Technology in Vienna, and in my free time I like to work on open source
software on mobile devices.

### How did you start using Python?

I started using Python when I wanted to write a podcatcher for Linux at a time
where no proper, usable podcatcher existed. The result became gPodder, and
I've since learned to enjoy using the language for many projects.

### Name one Python feature you wouldn't live without

List comprehensions and generator expressions.

### What is your talk/training about?

I'll be showing how to easily develop mobile applications in Python using
PySide and QML. Obviously, as QML and PySide are supported on normal Desktop
operating systems as well, the same material applies to Windows, OS X and
Linux as well.

QML provides an easy way to declaratively describe UIs. Once one gets the hang
of it, it feels more natural than classic approaches - and it also helps
keeping backend code (written in Python) and UI (written in QML) more

### Tease us with one secret that will be revealed during your talk/training

I should be able to demo the final version of a mobile QML application I'm
currently polishing on on a mobile device, including some information about
the code and the development.

### Name another training that you wouldn't miss at EuroPython.

**Objects and Classes in Python** on Thursday Afternoon is something I plan to
attend and really hope to get some good experience out of :)

Especially the comparison to JavaScript object semantics sounds interesting.

### What would you tell someone who is still in doubt whether to register to
EuroPython or not?

Register and come there - it's that simple. EuroPython's central geographical
location in Europe should make it easy for you to get there, and it's going to
be a great week for Python!

Also, I've heard that Florence is nice during that time of the year, so that's
another reason not to miss it ;)

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From chef at  Mon Jun 20 22:03:35 2011
From: chef at (Massa, Harald Armin)
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 22:03:35 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] selling a ticket to py-fiorentina
Message-ID: <>

hello felloe EuroPythonistas,

due to date collisions I shall sell my Py-fiorentina meal ticket.

Just catch me at the conference ... for example, I am giving the talk
"PostreSQL - the database sister of Python", 21.6. at 1115 in Lasagne,
and I am the guy presenting the Lightningtalks on Wednesday.


Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Stra?e 49
70435 Stuttgart

Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 734971
et programmare
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From sschwarzer at  Sat Jun 25 13:28:21 2011
From: sschwarzer at (Stefan Schwarzer)
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 13:28:21 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Sharing a taxi from B&B Capitol Firenze to the airport
 on Monday 12 am
Message-ID: <>

Hi everyone,

I plan to leave my hotel (B&B Capitol Firenze, 5 minutes
from the conference location) on Monday at 12 am and take a
taxi to the airport. The trip from the airport to the hotel
cost me almost 30 Euro, and it would be nice to share the
taxi and pay less on the trip back to the airport. :-)

For people not too far from but not in the hotel, its
address is Viale Giovanni Amendola, 34.

Is anyone interested?

Best regards,

From mailing at  Thu Jun 30 09:54:27 2011
From: mailing at (Alan Franzoni)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 09:54:27 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EP 2011 Videos
Message-ID: <>

Hello everybody,
a small clarification about the availability of ep2011 videos.

All videos were uploaded and were supposed to be
"available". The problem is all about bandwith. We decided ( for many
reasons ) to serve all video files through a third-party service,
hoping that it would download our content just once from our server
and then serve it to everybody else without hogging our datacenter.

It turned out that we were wrong, and the file is getting downloaded
multiple times from our servers - each file is downloaded about 20
times, one for each geographical mirror - , and that's saturating our
bandwidth; we also found there's a cap on parallel downloads, so the
third-party service just won't download more than X files in parallel
from our server.

The bottom line is: the videos are converted, they just need to get
uploaded. As soon as they are we'll tell you in this ml and through a
blog post.

Thanks for your patience.

-- - public@[mysurname].eu
Latest blog post: Unit testing with Twisted: testing protocols:

From hs at  Thu Jun 30 10:43:34 2011
From: hs at (Hynek Schlawack)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 10:43:34 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Guys and Gals,

First of all: Thank you for a fantastic conference, I can't wait for next year!

> All videos were uploaded and were supposed to be
> "available". The problem is all about bandwith. We decided ( for many
> reasons ) to serve all video files through a third-party service,
> hoping that it would download our content just once from our server
> and then serve it to everybody else without hogging our datacenter.

You should seriously just BitTorrent them. That's what BT was made for
and it's even cheaper for you in the end. There are a lot of Python
hackers that will be more than happy to seed as long as it's necessary
(me included) and everybody will be happy. :)


From general.mooney at  Thu Jun 30 12:12:57 2011
From: general.mooney at (=?UTF-8?Q?Ciar=C3=A1n_Mooney?=)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 11:12:57 +0100
Subject: [EuroPython] EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I couldn't attend but I would like to watch the videos. I would also
happily download via bittorrent, and seed.


On 30 June 2011 09:43, Hynek Schlawack <hs at> wrote:
> Hi Guys and Gals,
> First of all: Thank you for a fantastic conference, I can't wait for next year!
>> All videos were uploaded and were supposed to be
>> "available". The problem is all about bandwith. We decided ( for many
>> reasons ) to serve all video files through a third-party service,
>> hoping that it would download our content just once from our server
>> and then serve it to everybody else without hogging our datacenter.
> You should seriously just BitTorrent them. That's what BT was made for
> and it's even cheaper for you in the end. There are a lot of Python
> hackers that will be more than happy to seed as long as it's necessary
> (me included) and everybody will be happy. :)
> Cheers,
> Hynek
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython 2011 - Florence June 20-26
> EuroPython mailing list
> EuroPython at

From _ at  Thu Jun 30 12:18:50 2011
From: _ at (Laurens Van Houtven)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 12:18:50 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve]  EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bittorrent ++
On Jun 30, 2011 11:18 AM, "Hynek Schlawack" <hs at> wrote:
> Hi Guys and Gals,
> First of all: Thank you for a fantastic conference, I can't wait for next
>> All videos were uploaded and were supposed to be
>> "available". The problem is all about bandwith. We decided ( for many
>> reasons ) to serve all video files through a third-party service,
>> hoping that it would download our content just once from our server
>> and then serve it to everybody else without hogging our datacenter.
> You should seriously just BitTorrent them. That's what BT was made for
> and it's even cheaper for you in the end. There are a lot of Python
> hackers that will be more than happy to seed as long as it's necessary
> (me included) and everybody will be happy. :)
> Cheers,
> Hynek
> _______________________________________________
> Europython-improve mailing list
> Europython-improve at
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From sparks.m at  Thu Jun 30 12:35:05 2011
From: sparks.m at (Michael Sparks)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 11:35:05 +0100
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve] EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30 June 2011 08:54, Alan Franzoni <mailing at> wrote:
> The bottom line is: the videos are converted, they just need to get
> uploaded. As soon as they are we'll tell you in this ml and through a
> blog post.
> Thanks for your patience.

I'd seriously suggest putting them up on and allowing them to
do the distribution. Despite working somewhere that does lots of stuff
with video and has a rather large amount of bandwidth available, I
used last year and year before simply because it offloads all
the problems you're describing. The videos do have to be transcoded to
1GB or less each, but that can be all be automated (Happy to send you
what I used last year to do that)

Happy to hand over to whomever thinks
they should own it... (Not sure how you do that, but hey :-)


From alexandre.fayolle at  Thu Jun 30 13:23:05 2011
From: alexandre.fayolle at (Alexandre Fayolle)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 13:23:05 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday 30 June 2011 10:43:34 Hynek Schlawack wrote:
> Hi Guys and Gals,
> First of all: Thank you for a fantastic conference, I can't wait for next
> year!
> > All videos were uploaded and were supposed to be
> > "available". The problem is all about bandwith. We decided ( for many
> > reasons ) to serve all video files through a third-party service,
> > hoping that it would download our content just once from our server
> > and then serve it to everybody else without hogging our datacenter.
> You should seriously just BitTorrent them. That's what BT was made for
> and it's even cheaper for you in the end. There are a lot of Python
> hackers that will be more than happy to seed as long as it's necessary
> (me included) and everybody will be happy. :)

Same thing here

Alexandre Fayolle                              LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Formations Python, CubicWeb, Debian :
D?veloppement logiciel sur mesure :
Informatique scientifique:     

From hs at  Thu Jun 30 15:51:02 2011
From: hs at (Hynek Schlawack)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 15:51:02 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve]  EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <1309441576.2789.12.camel@bluray>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 15:46, David Mugnai <dvd at> wrote:

>> You should seriously just BitTorrent them. That's what BT was made for
>> and it's even cheaper for you in the end. There are a lot of Python
>> hackers that will be more than happy to seed as long as it's necessary
>> (me included) and everybody will be happy. :)
> I'm working to make the videos viewable directly in the web page (HTML5
> + flash fallback), in the meanwhile I've enabled a BitTorrent seeder
> (thanks to S3); Can you give it a try?

Excellent! But would you mind to set one torrent file for all of them?
In most clients you can cherry pick the files.

Or at least one page with all torrent links...I'm klicking through the
schedule right now and it's rather tiresome. :) I want to leech them
so I can seed.

Thanks & Cheers,

From dvd at  Thu Jun 30 15:46:16 2011
From: dvd at (David Mugnai)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 15:46:16 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve]  EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1309441576.2789.12.camel@bluray>

On Thu, 2011-06-30 at 10:43 +0200, Hynek Schlawack wrote:

> You should seriously just BitTorrent them. That's what BT was made for
> and it's even cheaper for you in the end. There are a lot of Python
> hackers that will be more than happy to seed as long as it's necessary
> (me included) and everybody will be happy. :)

Hi all,

I'm working to make the videos viewable directly in the web page (HTML5
+ flash fallback), in the meanwhile I've enabled a BitTorrent seeder
(thanks to S3); Can you give it a try?

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From dvd at  Thu Jun 30 15:55:27 2011
From: dvd at (David Mugnai)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 15:55:27 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve]  EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1309442127.2789.15.camel@bluray>

On Thu, 2011-06-30 at 15:51 +0200, Hynek Schlawack wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 15:46, David Mugnai <dvd at> wrote:
> >> You should seriously just BitTorrent them. That's what BT was made for
> >> and it's even cheaper for you in the end. There are a lot of Python
> >> hackers that will be more than happy to seed as long as it's necessary
> >> (me included) and everybody will be happy. :)
> > I'm working to make the videos viewable directly in the web page (HTML5
> > + flash fallback), in the meanwhile I've enabled a BitTorrent seeder
> > (thanks to S3); Can you give it a try?
> Excellent! But would you mind to set one torrent file for all of them?
> In most clients you can cherry pick the files.
> Or at least one page with all torrent links...I'm klicking through the
> schedule right now and it's rather tiresome. :) I want to leech them
> so I can seed.

Just do it

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From dvd at  Thu Jun 30 15:56:26 2011
From: dvd at (David Mugnai)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 15:56:26 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve]  EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1309442186.2789.16.camel@bluray>

On Thu, 2011-06-30 at 15:51 +0200, Hynek Schlawack wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 15:46, David Mugnai <dvd at> wrote:
> >> You should seriously just BitTorrent them. That's what BT was made for
> >> and it's even cheaper for you in the end. There are a lot of Python
> >> hackers that will be more than happy to seed as long as it's necessary
> >> (me included) and everybody will be happy. :)
> > I'm working to make the videos viewable directly in the web page (HTML5
> > + flash fallback), in the meanwhile I've enabled a BitTorrent seeder
> > (thanks to S3); Can you give it a try?
> Excellent! But would you mind to set one torrent file for all of them?
> In most clients you can cherry pick the files.
> Or at least one page with all torrent links...I'm klicking through the
> schedule right now and it's rather tiresome. :) I want to leech them
> so I can seed.

Just do it:

I added a "BitTorrent" link  for each talk in the "list view".

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From hs at  Thu Jun 30 15:58:55 2011
From: hs at (Hynek Schlawack)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 15:58:55 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve]  EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <1309442186.2789.16.camel@bluray>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 15:56, David Mugnai <dvd at> wrote:

> Just do it:
> I added a "BitTorrent" link ?for each talk in the "list view".

Thanks! Some torrents don't work though:

<Message>Access Denied</Message>

Wanna a list or can you see it in the logs?


From haraldarminmassa at  Thu Jun 30 15:59:29 2011
From: haraldarminmassa at (Harald Armin Massa[legacy])
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 15:59:29 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve] EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <1309442186.2789.16.camel@bluray>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

are there lightning-talk-videos?

GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Stra?e 49
70435 Stuttgart
no fx, no carrier pigeon
Using PostgreSQL is mostly about sleeping well at night.
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From dvd at  Thu Jun 30 16:01:33 2011
From: dvd at (David Mugnai)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 16:01:33 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve]  EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hynek Schlawack <hs at> ha scritto:


On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 15:56, David Mugnai <dvd at> wrote:

> Just do it:
> I added a "BitTorrent" link  for each talk in the "list view".

Thanks! Some torrents don't work though:

<Message>Access Denied</Message>

Wanna a list or can you see it in the logs?


A list , just some examples, would be very useful
Il sonno della ragione genera mostri
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From dvd at  Thu Jun 30 16:03:22 2011
From: dvd at (David Mugnai)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 16:03:22 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve] EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Harald Armin Massa[legacy]" <haraldarminmassa at> ha scritto:

are there lightning-talk-videos?

GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Stra?e 49
70435 Stuttgart
no fx, no carrier pigeon 
Using PostgreSQL is mostly about sleeping well at night.

Yes, but we'll put them online in the next days (due a tech problem)
Il sonno della ragione genera mostri
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From dvd at  Thu Jun 30 16:03:19 2011
From: dvd at (David Mugnai)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 16:03:19 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve] EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Harald Armin Massa[legacy]" <haraldarminmassa at> ha scritto:

are there lightning-talk-videos?

GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Stra?e 49
70435 Stuttgart
no fx, no carrier pigeon 
Using PostgreSQL is mostly about sleeping well at night.

Yes, but we'll put them online in the next days (due a tech problem)
Il sonno della ragione genera mostri
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From hs at  Thu Jun 30 16:08:36 2011
From: hs at (Hynek Schlawack)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 16:08:36 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve]  EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 16:01, David Mugnai <dvd at> wrote:

> A list , just some examples, would be very useful

From antonin at  Thu Jun 30 16:57:58 2011
From: antonin at (Antonin AMAND)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 16:57:58 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve] EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

return a 404.

Thanks for the bittorrent seeds.


From dvd at  Thu Jun 30 17:12:27 2011
From: dvd at (David Mugnai)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 17:12:27 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve] EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1309446747.2789.17.camel@bluray>

On Thu, 2011-06-30 at 16:57 +0200, Antonin AMAND wrote:
> return a 404.

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From dvd at  Thu Jun 30 17:14:31 2011
From: dvd at (David Mugnai)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 17:14:31 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] [Europython-improve]  EP 2011 Videos
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1309446871.2789.19.camel@bluray>

On Thu, 2011-06-30 at 16:08 +0200, Hynek Schlawack wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 16:01, David Mugnai <dvd at> wrote:
> > A list , just some examples, would be very useful

you are right, I'm going to start the upload of the missing files very
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