[EuroPython] EP 2011 Videos

Alan Franzoni mailing at franzoni.eu
Thu Jun 30 09:54:27 CEST 2011

Hello everybody,
a small clarification about the availability of ep2011 videos.

All videos were uploaded and were supposed to be
"available". The problem is all about bandwith. We decided ( for many
reasons ) to serve all video files through a third-party service,
hoping that it would download our content just once from our server
and then serve it to everybody else without hogging our datacenter.

It turned out that we were wrong, and the file is getting downloaded
multiple times from our servers - each file is downloaded about 20
times, one for each geographical mirror - , and that's saturating our
bandwidth; we also found there's a cap on parallel downloads, so the
third-party service just won't download more than X files in parallel
from our server.

The bottom line is: the videos are converted, they just need to get
uploaded. As soon as they are we'll tell you in this ml and through a
blog post.

Thanks for your patience.

http://www.franzoni.eu - public@[mysurname].eu
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