[EuroPython] Plone helpdesk and social dinner

enrico franchi enrico.franchi at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 16:22:20 CEST 2012

On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Maurizio Delmonte <
maurizio.delmonte at gmail.com> wrote:

NB: for a more in-deep discussion about Plone, there is a Plone Helpdesk
> scheduled on Wednesday 4 July, in the morning. Check it out on the
> EuroPython schedule. Or look around for a "plone t-shirt" any day during
> EuroPython :)

I also strongly suggest to those wanting to reserve a slot in the help desk
to do that in advance!
It makes things easier for all of us (and ensures the availability!)

..: -enrico-
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