[EuroPython] Unable to get sw for S. Trygubenko's functional programming tutorial

Nicola Musatti nicola.musatti at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 00:50:56 CEST 2012

As it often happens, I managed to download the Haskell platform without
problems shortly after posting my message. Thank you all the same, I
enjoyed your tutorial.


On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 6:53 PM, Semen Trygubenko <semen at trygub.com> wrote:

> Hiya,
> > I've been trying to download the Haskell Platform software for Windows at
> > different times during the last couple of days unsuccessfully. Trying to
> > reach the lambda.haskell.org server always resulted in timeouts, and I
> > couldn't find another server from which to download the software. If
> > anybody has a copy, could you please get in touch with
> > me?
> You can download Windows binaries here:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/windows.html
> Alternatively, give it a go in your browser:
> http://tryhaskell.org/
> Both URLs work for me as of now.
> HTH,
> Sem
> --
> Семен Тригубенко
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> iEYEARECAAYFAk/1xnsACgkQ3zbainCY8eml+ACcCrbaDZQ9/gZszdYHdkpAWzE0
> 86MAoIDmP/WRuL01vqnNcErBfwPj5j3k
> =NU+Q

Nicola.Musatti <at> gmail <dot> com
Home: http://nicola.musatti.googlepages.com/home
Blog: http://wthwdik.wordpress.com/
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