[EuroPython] Free Wifi zones in Florence

Giovanni Bajo giovanni at pycon.it
Mon Jun 25 16:40:52 CEST 2012

Il giorno 25/giu/2012, alle ore 15:59, Erik Allik ha scritto:

> Does anybody know how fast is the 3G provided by the 20€ local SIM cards that we've been offered to purchase? And what is the data usage limit on them? In general, are they an OK substitute for wifi? At least for non-bandwidth intensive stuff (i.e. no torrent and no Skype video calls).

Hi Erik,

the 3G SIM is nominally UMTS 7.2Mbps. Actual speed is usually around 1 Mbit/s. It should work OK for mail, mobile web browsing, etc. It feels obviously slow on a computer. The conference center has thick walls, so within the rooms you don't always get 3G signal; in that case, your phone will fallback to 2G EDGE which is obviously much slower. 

I live in Italy and use 3G all the times; it's an OK substitute for wifi to me, eg: I never pay for wifi in hotels when I travel around Italy. Obviously your mileage may vary.
Giovanni Bajo

EuroPython 2012

Python Italia APS
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