From dalke at  Tue May  1 11:46:57 2012
From: dalke at (Andrew Dalke)
Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 11:46:57 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] room sharing
Message-ID: <>

I checked yesterday and today, and it looks like there no more room sharing for EuroPython for the conference hotel done as part of the purchase process. At least, it gave me a big red "no room available" for every option from double to quadruple room, for the time range 1 July to 7 July. I ended up buying my ticket without opting in for any room.

Is there anything set up for room share otherwise?

Also, there is a typo in
the URL is
but should have the ending '/'

				dalke at

From giovanni at  Tue May  1 14:17:11 2012
From: giovanni at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 14:17:11 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] room sharing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Il giorno 01/mag/2012, alle ore 11:46, Andrew Dalke ha scritto:

> I checked yesterday and today, and it looks like there no more room sharing for EuroPython for the conference hotel done as part of the purchase process. At least, it gave me a big red "no room available" for every option from double to quadruple room, for the time range 1 July to 7 July. I ended up buying my ticket without opting in for any room.

We're sorry but the hotel rooms are currently sold out. We've now disabled them in the cart.

We are working on this with the hotel, and with nearby hotels. We will see what we can do. Mediterraneo has been promising us additional rooms for quite some time, but they ended up not being available on the 2nd and 3rd of July, which makes them far less acceptable for us (given that we take the whole risk of not selling them).

Hotel reservations are a fluid process, rooms get continuously booked and canceled, and hotels like Mediterraneo basically manage to win the system by having high levels of (potential) overbooking; we will see what this week and the next brings us. It's also the first time ever that we sell rooms directly on our website (I don't think PyCon US has been doing it either), so we're learning lots of things in the process, in the way you need to discuss this with hotels :)

> Is there anything set up for room share otherwise?

Not that I know of, having a "passive" wiki didn't work out too well last year. You can try on this mailing-list, or if you use twitter and you mention @europython, we will retweet it to give it more visibility.

> Also, there is a typo in
> the URL is
> but should have the ending '/'

Fixed, thanks!
Giovanni Bajo

EuroPython 2012

Python Italia APS
Non-profit association
Registered in Italy

From info at  Wed May  2 16:04:54 2012
From: info at (info at
Date: Wed, 02 May 2012 14:04:54 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Early bird ends today!
Message-ID: <>

This is the last call to take advantage of the reduced fares! Buy your
EuroPython 2012 ticket today. The end of Early Bird is today, May 2nd,
23:59:59 CEST. You can **forward this post to anyone you feel might be
interested**, as a reminder not to lose the chance of registering while still
on Early Bird reduced fares.


[Register Now!](

EuroPython 2012 [schedule](
will feature an amazing lineup of:


  * **Keynotes:** some of the most influential individuals in the Python world will come and give their vision;
  * **Talks:** more than 120 high-level technical talks, in 5 parallel tracks;
  * **Trainings:** in-depth four-hours long practical sessions, in 2 parallel tracks - _delivered by trainers and professionals, one training is worth alone the Early Bird ticket price_;
  * **Posters:** for the first time at EuroPython, a [Poster Session]( will be held!
  * **Events:** who said that conference activities close at 7:30PM? Like during last year, expect nerd entertainment and networking chances during the EP evenings;
  * **Sprints:** take the chance to learn and contribute to your favourite project hacking session during the weekend [sprints](
Don't worry about your other half getting bored; they can join our Partner
Program and have the chance to visit the old city centre and visit museums of
Florence at reduced rates.

Get the chance and [register now!](

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From GadgetSteve at  Fri May  4 13:09:29 2012
From: GadgetSteve at (Gadget/Steve)
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 12:09:29 +0100
Subject: [EuroPython] Clarification on hotel display.
Message-ID: <BLU0-SMTP24777F79DFF18F579721515AA2C0@phx.gbl>

The hotel display on the website reads From date until date - is the
second date the last night of the booking or the checkout date - I can't
quite remember and the invoice doesn't specify just gives the total paid.


From giovanni at  Fri May  4 14:39:42 2012
From: giovanni at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 14:39:42 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Clarification on hotel display.
In-Reply-To: <BLU0-SMTP24777F79DFF18F579721515AA2C0@phx.gbl>
References: <BLU0-SMTP24777F79DFF18F579721515AA2C0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Il giorno 04/mag/2012, alle ore 13:09, Gadget/Steve ha scritto:

> The hotel display on the website reads From date until date - is the
> second date the last night of the booking or the checkout date - I can't
> quite remember and the invoice doesn't specify just gives the total paid.

It's the checkout date.
Giovanni Bajo

EuroPython 2012

Python Italia APS
Non-profit association
Registered in Italy

From gadgetsteve at  Fri May  4 16:17:53 2012
From: gadgetsteve at (Steve - Gadget Barnes)
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 15:17:53 +0100
Subject: [EuroPython] Clarification on hotel display.
Message-ID: <blu0-p3-eas1211F75E09581F767D95629AA2C0@phx.gbl>

Thanks for clarifying I can plan the flights.

-----Original Message-----

From: Giovanni Bajo
Sent: 4 May 2012 12:39:45 GMT
To: Gadget/Steve
Cc: europython at
Subject: Re: [EuroPython] Clarification on hotel display.

Il giorno 04/mag/2012, alle ore 13:09, Gadget/Steve ha scritto:

> The hotel display on the website reads From date until date - is the
> second date the last night of the booking or the checkout date - I can't
> quite remember and the invoice doesn't specify just gives the total paid.

It's the checkout date.
Giovanni Bajo

EuroPython 2012

Python Italia APS
Non-profit association
Registered in Italy

From GadgetSteve at  Mon May  7 12:46:37 2012
From: GadgetSteve at (Gadget/Steve)
Date: Mon, 7 May 2012 11:46:37 +0100
Subject: [EuroPython] Missing Web Page
Message-ID: <BLU0-SMTP44871039891E424DB321DD3AA130@phx.gbl>

The partner program link
from the "Where" page always gives me a 404 Missing page - If the page
is not ready wouldn't it be a good idea to put a place holder page with
an estimated date of when it might be there?


From giovanni at  Mon May  7 16:19:21 2012
From: giovanni at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Mon, 7 May 2012 16:19:21 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Missing Web Page
In-Reply-To: <BLU0-SMTP44871039891E424DB321DD3AA130@phx.gbl>
References: <BLU0-SMTP44871039891E424DB321DD3AA130@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Il giorno 07/mag/2012, alle ore 12:46, Gadget/Steve ha scritto:

> The partner program link
> from the "Where" page always gives me a 404 Missing page - If the page
> is not ready wouldn't it be a good idea to put a place holder page with
> an estimated date of when it might be there?

Thanks for noticing, I didn't know we had a live link to it. I've removed it.

I don't have a deadline to share for partner program, we are working on it.
Giovanni Bajo

EuroPython 2012

Python Italia APS
Non-profit association
Registered in Italy

From marius at  Wed May  9 21:21:56 2012
From: marius at (Marius Gedminas)
Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 21:21:56 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Missing Web Page
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <BLU0-SMTP44871039891E424DB321DD3AA130@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <20120509192156.GB32130@platonas>

On Mon, May 07, 2012 at 04:19:21PM +0200, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
> Il giorno 07/mag/2012, alle ore 12:46, Gadget/Steve ha scritto:
> > The partner program link
> > from the "Where" page always gives me a 404 Missing page - If the page
> > is not ready wouldn't it be a good idea to put a place holder page with
> > an estimated date of when it might be there?
> Thanks for noticing, I didn't know we had a live link to it. I've removed it.
> I don't have a deadline to share for partner program, we are working on it.

There's going to be one?  Awesome!

Last year I was sad that I missed the excursion to the Uffizi gallery,
because I learned about it too late -- and I learned about it too late
because I didn't realize regular attendees could also participate in the
partner program.

Marius Gedminas
Which is worse: ignorance or apathy?  Who knows?  Who cares?
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From info at  Thu May 10 14:07:44 2012
From: info at (info at
Date: Thu, 10 May 2012 12:07:44 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Partner Program 2012 released!
Message-ID: <>

Ladies and gentlemen, now you can join our Partner Program!

We've prepared a specific page dedicated to the program with [guided tours and
visits to museums at cheap rates](

**The Program is open to everybody**, whether you have bought a ticket to the conference, or not. Conference delegates can of course buy tickets for the partner program for their partner/family/friends, and join themselves if they want to escape from the conference to sightsee Florence and the Tuscany countryside.

## The Program

You will find two different kind of events in the program: **Leisure & Art**

**Leisure events** include a nice Vespa tour in Florence, some special showcooking events presented by Mediterraneo's Chef and will teach you wonderful things about Tuscany food and wines, leading you from a guided tasting of wines in one of the oldest winery of Florence.

**Art events** are dedicated to Florence as "art city", taking you to visit the Uffizi, the Duomo, Michelangelo's works, the districts of Oltrarno and the craftsmen in Florence.

[Book your tour now!](

## Booking Info

All tours are organized by a tour operator; the Python Italia association does
not have any margin on the tickets, and is just organizing and coordinating
the program to improve your staying in Florence.

After you have bought one or more tickets, you will be able to _fill in the
name of the exact person that will be attending the tour_. Don't forget to do

We really hope that you will enjoy the program and your staying in Florence!

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From info at  Fri May 11 17:44:45 2012
From: info at (info at
Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 15:44:45 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Special grant for students and unemployed
Message-ID: <>

We are happy to announce that EuroPython is offering a grant with 3 free
tickets reserved to students and 3 free tickets reserved to unemployed
programmers, including hotel accommodation.

This grant is sponsored partly by the Python Italia Association, and partly by
the generous contribution of many speakers who are renouncing to the ticket
discount they were offered.

The grant includes a free ticket for the conference (with access to buffets)
and accommodation in two triple rooms for the whole conference week.

The grant is open to everybody, even people that have already bought a ticket
(in which case we would proceed to a refund).

### Students

  * Must be 30 years old or less (on 1st January 2012).
  * Must be currently registered to a school, college, or university-level institute. 

### Unemployed programmers

  * Any age is allowed.
  * Must not be a student.
  * Must be actively seeking for a new job as a computer programmer.

## Application

Application is open until June 1st.

If you think you qualify for this grant, please send an e-mail to
[info at](mailto:info at, put the tag "[GRANT]" in the subject,
and write down a motivational letter covering the follow points:

  * Short introduction of yourself, your current study/job status
  * Your current experience with Python (if any)
  * Why you would like to join EuroPython
  * Why you have not bought a ticket yet
  * Which other conference you attended to in the past few years (if any).

All personal information contained in the motivational letter will be kept
strictly private.

Winners of the grant will be selected on June 3rd.

## Google Diversity Grant

Remember that Google is offering a [diversity grant](
tl/en/jobs/students/proscho/scholarships/emea/travelgrants/) reserved for
female computer scientists. Applications are open until June 1st! (NOTE:
Google's website currently says May 15th as a deadline, but it's been extended
and will be fixed soon)

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From info at  Mon May 14 18:07:16 2012
From: info at (info at
Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 16:07:16 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] PyEvents Announced!
Message-ID: <>

It's time for PyBirra and PyFiorentina ... Our social events are released!
PyBirra on Monday (July 2nd) and PyFiorentina on Wednesday (July 4th)!

**PyBirra** is a goliardic time in the pubs of downtown Florence during which you can drink, chat and know each other Python programmers.

The event is hosted by one of the oldest pubs in Florence:

### James Joyce Pub

  * Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, 1
  * 50125 Firenze
  * Tel: 055 6580856

**Important:** bring your EuroPython's badge, you will have any drinks at a low fixed cost!

## PyFiorentina

As explained in the [events page](,
PyFiorentina is a dinner that will take place Wednesday, July 4th to give all
our visitors the opportunity to taste the legendary **[Bistecca alla Fiorentin

We have arranged a special menu with a **fixed price of ?37** with the
restaurant (Trattoria ZaZa). Have a look:

### First courses:

  * Tris di minestre: ribollita, pappa al pomodoro, passato di fagioli con farro  
_(Trio of soups: stewed legumes, tomato soup, bean and barley soup)_

  * Tagliatelle ai funghi porcini  
_(Tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms)_

  * Ravioli strascicati  
_(Ravioli with rosee sauce)_

  * Fettuccine alla crema di tartufo  
_(Fettuccine with truffle cream sauce)_

  * Penne alla Boccalona  
_(Pasta with a special sauce from the chef)_

### Main courses:

  * Tagliata di manzo alla brace con rucola e salsina ZaZa  
_(Grilled steak with rocket/arugula and special ZaZa sauce)_

  * Tagliata di manzo alla brace con rucola e crema di tartufo fatta in casa  
_(Grilled steak with rocket/arugula and home-made truffle cream sauce)_

  * Tagliata di manzo alla brace con rucola e scaglie di Grana  
_(Grilled steak with rocket/arugula and Grana Padano)_

  * Coniglio ripieno al forno con spinaci saltati aglio e olio  
_(Oven-roasted stuffed rabbit with sauteed spinach with oil and garlic)_

  * Arista di Cinta al forno con fagioli all'uccelletto  
_(Oven-roasted pork loin and Italian white beans with tomato)_

  * Bistecca alla fiorentina, min. 3 persone  
_(One T-Bone steak, minimum serving 3 people)_

### Desserts:

  * Crema di mascarpone  
_(Mascarpone cream)_

  * Tiramisu al caffe  

  * Torta di mele alla ZaZa - ricetta segreta  
_(ZaZa apple cake - secret recipe)_

  * Vin Santo con Cantucci fatti in casa  
_(Sweet wine with home-made anise-flavored almond biscuits)_

  * Torta al cioccolato alla ZaZa  
_(ZaZa chocolate cake)_

### Drinks

  * Bottle Water
  * House Red Wine

## How to join PyFiorentina

Although the restaurant is fully available to us, **places are also limited to
220**, and reservation is mandatory. To book your seats in advance, you need
to buy a **voucher for the full amount of ?37** through this website
(basically paying the whole dinner in advance). We will then give you the
physical voucher once you register at EuroPython, and you will need to present
the voucher at the restaurant as a proof of payment.

Please notice that it is still possible to order some extras by having a look
to the full menu of the restaurant. For instance, a true meat lover might want
to skip the first courses and go for a _whole_ T-Bone Steak to eat by himself;
in this case, you will need to pay the difference from the ?37 voucher
directly at the counter.

Looking forward to your feedback ... Keep a light lunch!

[Book your T-Bone Steak!](

The map show [both places in yellow
placeholders](, in order to simplify the

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From stefan at  Wed May 16 13:31:18 2012
From: stefan at (stefan at
Date: Wed, 16 May 2012 13:31:18 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] "Florence by Vespa" Partner Program
Message-ID: <50e0113297d0f0ce5fe15367cd25ab46@>


I'd be interested in the "Florence by Vespa" partner program, but I'm
not sure if my European driver's license type B permits me to drive a
Vespa in Italy. Can you clarify what the legal requirements are?

Thanks a lot!

-- Stefan

From mailing at  Wed May 16 21:28:01 2012
From: mailing at (Alan Franzoni)
Date: Wed, 16 May 2012 21:28:01 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] "Florence by Vespa" Partner Program
In-Reply-To: <50e0113297d0f0ce5fe15367cd25ab46@>
References: <50e0113297d0f0ce5fe15367cd25ab46@>
Message-ID: <>

I suppose it should be enough, since the Vespa should be 50cc scooters
which can be riden with any kind of license, but I'll double check this.

Il 16/05/12 13:31, stefan at ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I'd be interested in the "Florence by Vespa" partner program, but I'm
> not sure if my European driver's license type B permits me to drive a
> Vespa in Italy. Can you clarify what the legal requirements are?
> Thanks a lot!
> -- Stefan
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython 2011 - Florence June 20-26
> EuroPython mailing list
> EuroPython at

Alan Franzoni
contact me at public@[mysurname].eu

From bolibic at  Mon May 21 10:02:43 2012
From: bolibic at (Javier Gonel)
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 11:02:43 +0300
Subject: [EuroPython] Official wiki/page/forum/place for room sharing.
Message-ID: <>

Hello everybody and sorry if this is not the right place.

Is there any place to look for a room mate? I know that the room sharing in
Hotel Mediterraneo is closed, but for the ones (like me) that were late,
perhaps we could find other people to share a room and split costs.

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From info at  Tue May 22 11:21:14 2012
From: info at (info at
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 09:21:14 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Help Desk: call for runners
Message-ID: <>

For the first time at EuroPython, the conference will feature a permanent Help
Desk, a place where masters of a technology give practical support on it.

The **Help Desk** is thought to be run by EP attendees for EP attendees, so to
encourage information exchange and networking during the conference.

We're in the defining phase of Help Desks, and we're **looking for people
interested in running one**; here are some good reasons to run a help desk at

  * **Self-promotion**: by offering support on your favorite technology, you get a chance to spread word about your skills. You can distribute advertising material about your company or activity while you're running the help desk, and contacts with people you support can later turn into contracts.
  * **Improve your skills**: by discussing concrete problems with help desk attendees, you get to know interesting use cases for a technology and are encouraged to wrap your head around a problem to propose a solution, which might later prove itself useful in your own activity as well;
  * **Secret reward**: the EuroPython organization board has prepared a secret reward for each Help Desk runner...

Help Desk runners will be available at the designated desk for four hours, the
duration of a Help Desk session. Each session is divided in 8 half an hour
slots. Attendees will be able to book their slot on the EP website, so help
desk runners will have a precise schedule of who's coming when at the time
their session starts.

Please drop us a line at
[helpdesk_application at](mailto:helpdesk_application at stating
your technology of interest; we'll be in touch very soon.

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From info at  Thu May 31 16:32:01 2012
From: info at (info at
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 14:32:01 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Unofficial Women's Lunch at EuroPython 2012
Message-ID: <>

We are happy to publish this post by Lynn Root, who will organize during
Europython a special Women's Pizza-based Lunch!

Women attendees! **Come join the unofficial Women's Lunch** for an opportunity
to chat with your fellow female Pythonistas over great pizza.

We invite any female (and anyone who identifies as a female) conference-goer
to lunch at **an informal, friendly meet & greet** to form connections, share
Python programming stories, and enjoy the Italian summer.

## When? Tuesday, July 4th, 2012

Meet your host Lynn at the registration desk at 13:00, she will distribute the
lunch coupons; lunch will be at the pizzeria [Outside
Bistrot]( just aside the conference hotel.

### Hosted by:

[Lynn Root](, speaker,
[Increasing Women Engagement in the Python

### Graciously assisted by:

EuroPython conference organizers

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