From info at  Fri Mar  8 17:07:59 2013
From: info at (info at
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2013 16:07:59 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Design your own EuroPython: vote the talks you like
	the most
Message-ID: <>

Community voting is open and it will ends on Friday, March 15th, 23:59:59
CEST. If you want to become a "decision maker", if you want to **have a
voice** in the creation of the tracks, don't hesitate to [express your

The success of EuroPython is due to the great spirit of sharing: it is a
conference made by the Python community for the Python community.

## Who can vote

If you purchased a ticket for EuroPython 2013, you have the right to choose
the talks you like: this system will prevent abuses and grant that only actual
participants will make a selection. If you still don't have a ticket, you
would want to buy one: so, [register

This year we have **over 200 proposals**, so we ask you to analyze them with
attention before expressing your preference.

You can also comment talks and ask information to the speakers.

Enjoy yourself!

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From info at  Thu Mar 14 18:57:35 2013
From: info at (info at
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 17:57:35 -0000
Subject: [EuroPython] Talk voting is closing: only a few hours left to
	express your opinion
Message-ID: <>

One week has already passed and it's almost time to close the voting system.
If you haven't yet done so, please make sure to give us your opinion on the
proposals we received. As you all already know, the community plays a
fundamental role in EuroPython conference and we give every member the
opportunity to be **an active part** in decision-making.

On Saturday we will start **writing the schedule** and we will publish it on
March 31st.  Talks higher in the final ranking will be rewarded with the best
time slots and larger rooms.

Are you curious? Do you look forward to reading the schedule? Be patient! In
the meanwhile, you can submit a
**[sprint](** and discover **[who is
coming to the conference](
coming)**. Soon you will be able to express your opinion on our partner
programs, on the events we have studied for you and give us your feedback.

[Enjoy your vote!](

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