[EuroPython] conference length

Horst Gutmann horst at zerokspot.com
Tue Apr 15 22:35:45 CEST 2014

> On 15.04.2014, at 15:58, Martijn Faassen <faassen at startifact.com> wrote:
>> On 04/15/2014 08:56 PM, Andreas Jung wrote:
>> I think it is neither the right place
> Oh, sorry, what is the right mailing list to bring this up?
>> nor the right way
> You don't want feedback with constructive intent?
>> nor the right time to discuss
> Should I have brought it up earlier or later? What is in time for 2015, say?

@Andreas If this is not the right place nor the right time fork constructive discussions about the europython format then please let us know where such a place it to take the discussion there and perhaps rename this mailing list accordingly ;-)
>> what the reasonable length of a conference is.
>> There are geeks that
>> want to spend a lot of time at the conference with talks and sprints, there are
>> people that are only interested in the talk but in sprints, there are python dev
>> that come for training and talks and perhaps not sprints…..too many different expectations.
> I didn't realize the research on this was done. Could I see it?
> I'm also confused as to why you're making an argument in this discussion when this is not the right place, right way or the right time to discuss this.
>> You will never bring all expectations under one hood.
> Okay, in this case my proposal is that each year we do a random.randint(1, 6) (a 6 sided die) and that's the length of the conference.
> Sarcasm aside, more seriously:
> Andreas, I realize you're probably feeling overloaded about this conference, but you just told somebody who tried to give constructive criticism and bring up a topic that ties directly into the speaker selection debate that's going on anyway to shut up and go away. It's not appreciated and I'm feeling strongly inclined to do just that right now. Bye.
> Regards,
> Martijn
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