[EuroPython] Diversity of attendees

Filip Kłębczyk fklebczyk at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 14:29:23 CEST 2014

W dniu 17.04.2014 13:41, M.-A. Lemburg pisze:
> Filip,
> all this is documented on the CFP pages for the years 2011, 2013 and
> 2014:
> http://www.europython-society.org/cfp

Yes, I've wrote in one of previous mails that this is now public, where 
was it year ago in July?

> Also: Please stop bringing up or implying false accusations. You are
> doing yourself and everyone on this mailing list a disservice.

What false accusations? That you said:
"Poles wouldn't be able to organize Europython anyway"

These are your words. Have you already forgotten how and what where you 
shouting it in the hotel lobby? Or you don't want to remember.

> FWIW: As I've written in a separate email on this thread, the EPS is
> aiming to make it easier for local teams to make a proposal to have
> EuroPython in their location.

As I've already wrote I appreciate EPS is finally changing. It's a pity 
it wasn't that way year ago.


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