[EuroPython] Work on Call for Participation for EuroPython 2015 has started

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Sat Feb 1 17:42:45 CET 2014

On Saturday 1. February 2014 17.10.35 Andreas Jung wrote:
> I think there is no real way out of there  - expect all 1000 attendees in a
> huge barn and tell them to bring their own beer and burgers..well, perhaps
> an option :-)

Switch out the burgers with sausages and I was led to believe that this 
happens every October in Munich, although I'm not sure everyone involved will 
be happy when they're told that they have to learn Python. ;-)


P.S. I think that PyCon in North America has made a virtue out of conference 
size in some kind of race to be bigger than the previous year's event, which 
I've said on a number of previous occasions makes for a different kind of 
conference and not one I think anyone should be emulating, but that's just my 
own opinion.

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