[EuroPython] Please sign up as reviewer for EuroPython 2014 - thanks !

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Sat Mar 15 13:17:23 CET 2014

Hi Mark,

please write to the helpdesk at europython.eu to check whether this
was just a mistake (someone hitting the wrong button) or on
purpose (which I would not understand).

Note that I'm not involved in the program committee and have
no access to the Berlin system (apart from being a reviewer myself).

My email was just triggered by looking at the review listing, then
on my calendar and then thinking that the program committee
could need some extra help :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
EuroPython Society

On 15.03.2014 13:00, Mark Shannon wrote:
> Hi,
> I attempted to sign up as a reviewer, as requested, but my application
> was declined. No explanation why.
> If you need help reviewing talks, this is *not* the way to get it.
> Cheers,
> Mark.
> On 12/03/14 18:19, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> There are almost 300 talk submissions in the database, but most talks
>> still only have one or two votes and review time is running out
>> quickly.
>> If you have some time available, please do consider signing up as
>> reviewer via the site's profile:
>>      https://ep2014.europython.eu/en/proposals/cfr/
>> Here's how to apply and review talks:
>> 1. log in to your EuroPython site account (you will have created
>>     one when booking the conference)
>> 2. go to your profile page:
>>     https://ep2014.europython.eu/en/accounts/profile/change/
>> 3. tick the reviewer checkbox
>> One of the program team members will then enable upgrade your status to
>> reviewer (ping helpdesk at europython.eu for help if needed). Once this is
>> set, log in again and proceed with the reviews:
>> 4. visit the review list:
>>     https://ep2014.europython.eu/en/reviews/proposals/
>> 5. click on the title of a talk proposal, read the proposal,
>>     ask questions using the comment system and finally, click
>>     on the "create review" button to vote on the talk together
>>     with a short note explaining your vote
>> That's it.
>> Many thanks and see you in Berlin,
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