[EuroPython] "Pro rata" ?

svakSha svaksha at gmail.com
Thu May 15 22:37:54 CEST 2014

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 7:39 PM,  <Carina.Haupt at dlr.de> wrote:
> Hi Svaksha,
> there is no rule if somebody gets a full coverage of the cost or just a partial. It depends on the amount of the costs, the fulfilled requirements, and some other attributes, also including the country of origin. Regarding your specific request: If category 3 is granted part wise, it does not mean you get a specific percentage of your costs, but that either you get a specific amount of money to spend as you like or we offer you a pays abed in a hostel i.e.. We always try to figure out a way which fits best for the person applying, so just state your situation in your application and if you get considered for a grant, we will try to find a solution.
> Best regards
> Carina

Hi Carina,
Thanks for the clarification. Its nice to know that EP is flexible
about the FA and the applicant can customize it as per her needs.

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