[EuroPython] EuroPython 2015: Thank you to all volunteers
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at europython.eu
Thu Jul 30 17:43:33 CEST 2015
EuroPython is now over and was a great success thanks to everyone who
helped make it happen.
Unfortunately, we did not properly acknowledge all the volunteers who
were working on the event during the closing session and we would like
to apologize for this, so here’s the full list of all volunteers from
the EuroPython 2015 Workgroups and the on-site volunteers:
*** https://ep2015.europython.eu/en/volunteers/ ***
On-site Team WG
* Oier Echaniz Beneitez (Chair)
* Borja Ayerdi Vilches
* Alexandre Savio
* Darya Chyzhyk
* José David Nuñez
* Luis Javier Salvatierra
* Ion Marqués
Conference Administration WG
* Marc-Andre Lemburg (Chair)
* Vicky Lee
* Rezuk Turgut
* Stavros Anastasiadis
* Stéphane Wirtel
* Borja Ayerdi Vilches
* Oier Beneitez
Finance WG
* Borja Ayerdi Vilches (Chair)
* Fabio Pliger
* Marc-Andre Lemburg
* Vicky Lee
* Rezuk Turgut
* Jacob Hallén (EPS Treasurer)
* Darya Chyzhyk
Sponsors WG
* Fabio Pilger (Chair)
* Alexandre Savio
* Borja Ayerdi Vilches
* Marc-Andre Lemburg
* Vicky Twomey-Lee
* Hansel Dunlop
* Raúl Cumplido
* José David Muñez
* Oier Echaniz Beneitez
* Miren Urteaga Aldalur
Communications WG
* Marc-Andre Lemburg (Chair)
* Oier Beneitez
* Kerstin Kollmann
* Fabio Pliger
* Vicky Lee
* Dougal Matthews
* Chris Ward
* Kristian Rother
* Stéphane Wirtel
* Miren Aldalur
Support WG
* Raúl Cumplido
* Anthon van der Neut
* Alexandre Savio
* Ion Marqués
* Christian Barra
* Eyad Toma
* Stavros Anastasiadis
Financial Aid WG
* Darya Chyzhyk
* Vicky Twomey-Lee
* Ion Marqués
* Stéphane Wirtel
Marketing/Design WG
* Darya Chyzhyk
* Marc-Andre Lemburg
* Borja Ayerdi Vilches
* Alexandre Savio
* Miren Aldalur
* Stéphane Wirtel
* Zachari Saltmer
Program WG
* Alexandre Savio (Chair)
* Alexander Hendorf (Co-chair)
* Vicky Twomey-Lee
* Kristian Rother
* Dougal Matthews
* Sarah Mount
* Raúl Cumplido
* Adam Byrtek
* Christian Barra
* Moshe Goldstein
* Scott Reeve
* Chris Ward
* Claudiu Popa
* Stavros Anastasiadis
* Harry Percival
* Daniel Pyrathon
Web WG
* Christian Barra (Chair)
* Oier Beneitez
* Marc-Andre Lemburg
* Adam Byrtek
* Dougal Matthews
* Raúl Cumplido
* Fabio Pliger
* Eyad Toma
* Stéphane Wirtel
Media WG
* Anthon van der Neut
* José David Muñez
* Luis Javier Salvatierra
* Francisco Fernández Castaño
* Fabio Pliger
On-Site Volunteers
In addition to several of the EuroPython Workgroup members, in
particular, the on-site team WG, the following attendees helped as
session manager, room manager, on the registration desk, bag stuffing
and during set up and tear down of the conference.
In alphabetical order:
* Abraham Martin
* Agustín Herranz
* Aisha Bello
* Alberto Rasillo
* Ana Balica
* Andrew McCarthy
* Anna Bednarska
* Anna Téglássy
* Austur
* Brianna Laugher
* Cesar Desales
* Christian Barra
* Christin Schärfer
* Corinne Welsh
* Dorottya Czapari
* Dougal Matthews
* Éléonore Mayola
* Eugene Tataurov
* Felipe Ximenez
* Floris Bruynooghe
* Gautier Hayoun
* Gregorio Vivo
* Harry Percival
* Inigo Aldazabal
* Iñigo Ugarte Pérez
* Ion Marques
* Iraia Etxeberria
* Iris Yuping Ren
* Izarra Domingo
* José David Nuñez
* Julian Coyne
* Julian Estevez
* Jyrki Pulliainen
* Kasia Kaminska
* Kerstin Kollmann
* Leire Ozaeta
* Luis Javier Salavatierra
* Matt McGraw
* Maura Pilia
* Mikey Ariel
* Mircea Zetea
* Miren Urteaga
* Miroslav Sedivy
* Pablo
* Patrick Arminio
* Paul Cochrane
* Peter Deba
* Petr Viktorin
* Pierre Reinbold
* Piotr Dyba
* Raul Cumplido
* Stefano Fontana
* Stefano Mazzucco
* Sven Wontroba
* Szilvia Kadar
* Tomasz Nowak
* Victor Munoz
Some attendees also helped without being registered as volunteer,
e.g. during tear down at the conference venue. We’d like to thank you
and acknowledge you as well. If you have helped and are not on the
above list, please write to info at europython.eu.
For next year, we will seek to use a better system for volunteer
management and also invest more time into improving the conference
opening and closing sessions.
EuroPython 2015 Team
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