[EuroPython] Conference Videos in the TIB AV-Portal

Drees, Bastian Bastian.Drees at tib.eu
Mon Nov 14 03:12:54 EST 2016

Dear all,


The videos of EuroPython 2014 Conference in Berlin are now available in
the AV-Portal of TIB, the German National Library of Science and
Technology, via this link:




All videos are assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) and a media
fragment identifier. This allows you to cite videos as a whole or single
segments separately. Furthermore automated video analysis (e.g. text and
speech recognition) allow you to search within the written and spoken
text of the videos.


For more information on TIB AV-Portal please contact me or see
https://av.tib.eu/about or watch the tutorial (still in the old design)
here: https://av.tib.eu/media/14383. 


Best regards

Bastian Drees



Dr. Bastian Drees


German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)

Competence Center for non-textual Materials 

Department for Research and Development


Welfengarten 1 B // 30167 Hannover, Germany

T +49 511 762-14644

bastian.drees at tib.eu




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