From hendorf at  Mon May  1 08:35:49 2017
From: hendorf at (Alexander Hendorf)
Date: Mon, 1 May 2017 14:35:49 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017: Talk voting is open
Message-ID: <>

At EuroPython, we let our attendees have a significant say 
in the selection of the sessions which are presented at the conference. 

We call this ?talk voting? - attendees can tell us which submitted talks they?d like to see at the conference.

To be eligible to vote for talks, you need to be a registered attendee of the current EuroPython, 
or attendee of the past two EuroPython conferences.

How talk voting works:
Please log in and proceed to
to vote for talks.

The talk voting page lists all submitted proposals, including talks, trainings and posters.
At the top of the page you find a few filters you can use to narrow down the list by 
e.g. selecting tags you?re interested in or only show one type of proposal and also 
to select the sorting order.
For each submission, you can find the talk title with a link to the talk page.

In order to vote, have a look at the title/abstract and then indicate 
your personal interest in attending this session. 
We have simplified the voting process and you may chose between these four options: 
- ?must see?, 
- ?want to see?, 
- ?maybe?  
- ?not interested?.

If you have questions about the talk, you can go to the talk page and enter a comment.
Note that your votes are automatically saved to the backend without the need to click on a save or submit button.

Talk selection
After the talk voting phase, the EuroPython Program Workgroup (WG) will use the votes to select 
the talks and build a schedule.
The majority of the talks will be chosen based on the talk voting results. 
Part of the available slots will be directly assigned by the Program WG 
based on editorial criteria to e.g. increase diversity or give a chance to less mainstream topics.

In general, the Program WG will try to give as many speakers a chance to talk as possible. 
If speakers have submitted multiple talks, the one with the highest rate will most likely get selected.


EuroPython 2017 Team

From mal at  Wed May  3 06:46:27 2017
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 3 May 2017 12:46:27 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017 Keynote: Tracy Osborn
Message-ID: <>

We are pleased to announce our first keynote speaker for
EuroPython 2017:

			   * Tracy Osborn *

About Tracy

Tracy Osborn is a designer, developer, and entrepreneur living in
Toronto, Canada.

Tracy holds a Bachelors degree in Art & Design. She taught herself how
to do websites as a kid, learned how to program and launched
WeddingLovely, an online wedding planner to help them track, plan, and
design their perfect wedding day.

She?s also the author, designer, and publisher of Hello Web App, a
self-published book series on beginner web app development with Python
and Django.

She?s been an active member and developer of the Django Software
Foundation for three years. In her spare time, she?s an avid
outdoorswoman and would love to go on a hike with you.

The Keynote: The Different Roads We Take

We?ve all taken different routes to get to where we are today, and
we?re not all currently on the same road going the same place. Tracy
Osborn will talk about the idea of the ?Python engineer,? her (long
and full of bumps and potholes) journey to learning and teaching
Python, and the harmful myths about learning programming and the paths
available when you do so.

PS: Please don't forget to participate in our talk voting:

EuroPython 2017 Team

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties:

From mal at  Fri May  5 10:56:54 2017
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 5 May 2017 16:56:54 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017: Talk voting UI improved
Message-ID: <>

Following some good suggestions from our community, we have updated
the UI for the talk voting page

 to improve the usability:

 * not voted is now the default value

 * not interested is now being saved to the database (you may now use
   this to track better what you have reviewed already)

For more information about the talk voting, please see the original

EuroPython 2017 Team

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From mal at  Mon May  8 11:02:01 2017
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 17:02:01 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017 Keynote: Jan Willem Tulp
Message-ID: <>

We are pleased to announce our next keynote speaker for
EuroPython 2017:

			 * Jan Willem Tulp *

About Jan Willem Tulp

Jan Willem Tulp is an award winning data experience designer from The
Netherlands. With his one-man company TULP interactive he creates
custom data visualizations.

Jan Willem has created visualizations for organizations such as
Google, Scientific American, Nature, Popular Science, World Economic
Forum, Unicef, Unesco, ESA and Philips.

He speaks regularly at international conferences, and teaches a
workshop on data visualization design. His work has been published in
books and magazines and has been exhibited internationally. He has
been a judge on visualization contests, such as National Science
Foundation vizzies (USA) and Malofiej (Spain).

The Keynote: How to create inspiring data visualizations?

Many times data visualizations need to communicate insights clearly
and effectively. But sometimes the goals of a visualization go beyond
that: they need to inspire and engage people.

   But how do you draw them in? What is the process behind creating a
   creative data visualization?

   During this talk, I will show some of my projects, and explain a
   little about the process behind it.

EuroPython 2017 Team

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties:

From mal at  Wed May 10 07:33:45 2017
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 10 May 2017 13:33:45 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017: Talk voting results
Message-ID: <>

Thank you all for participating in last week?s talk voting:

We have again broken a record, with more than 13,353 cast votes, a 22%
increase compared to last year. We had almost 400 submissions to vote

Users voted on 47 sessions on average, with more than 50% of the users
casting 24.5 or more votes (median).

A total of 284 users participated in the talk voting, compared to 254
users last year, so more than 20% of our attendees do like to actively
participate in the selection of the talks. A pretty good indicator of
how vibrant our community is.

The program work group will now evaluate the voting results and select
the first set of highest rated talks before going into the review
phase to work on the remaining talk submissions.

We plan to announce this first batch in the coming days.

EuroPython 2017 Team

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties:

From hendorf at  Fri May 12 09:34:20 2017
From: hendorf at (Alexander Hendorf)
Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 15:34:20 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017 Keynote: Armin Ronacher
Message-ID: <>

We are pleased to announce our next keynote speaker for 
EuroPython 2017: 

                                  * Armin Ronacher * 

About Armin Ronacher

Armin Ronacher has founded a number of Python open source projects. 
Most notably, he is the creator of Flask, 
a popular Python web microframework. He is an experienced speaker 
at developer conferences and runs a popular blog where he shares 
his thoughts on open source, software development, and Python. 

In 2014, he received the Python Software Foundation Community Service Award 
for his work in the Python Open Source community.
Armin cares about well designed systems and APIs. 
He is currently working on Sentry, an open source crash reporting tool.

The Keynote: A Python for Future Generations

A journey through the current Python interpreter, 
some of the effects of its leaky abstraction on the language design 
and how we could evolve the language to future proof it. 
Covers some practical and not so practical ideas based on 
experience in the JavaScript and Rust ecosystem.

EuroPython 2017 Team

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties:

From mal at  Wed May 17 06:15:24 2017
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 12:15:24 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017: First list of accepted sessions
Message-ID: <>

We have received an amazing collection of proposals. Thank you all for
your submissions ! Given the overwhelming quality of the proposals, we
had some very difficult decisions to make. Nonetheless we are happy to
announce we have published the first 140+ sessions.

		     * EuroPython 2017 Sessions *

Here?s what we have on offer so far:

    100 talks
    19 trainings
    10 posters
    2 interactive sessions
    5 help desks
    2 EuroPython sessions

for a total of 138 sessions in addition to the 3 keynotes we have
already announced.

More sessions to come

More sessions will be announced early next week and the full schedule
will follow. In total, we will again have more than 200 sessions
waiting for you.

Please see the session list for details and abstracts. In case you
wonder what poster, interactive and help desk sessions are, please
check the call for proposals:

Aside: If you haven?t done yet, please get your EuroPython 2017 ticket
soon. We will switch to on-desk rates in June, which will cost around
30% more than the regular rates.

EuroPython 2017 Team

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties:

From hendorf at  Thu May 18 08:38:30 2017
From: hendorf at (Alexander Hendorf)
Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 14:38:30 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017 Keynote: Katharine Jarmul
Message-ID: <>

We are pleased to announce our next keynote speaker for 
EuroPython 2017: 

                         * Katharine Jarmul * 

About Katharine Jarmul

Katharine Jarmul is a pythonista and founder of Kjamistan, 
a data consulting company in Berlin, Germany. 
She?s been using Python since 2008 to solve and create problems. 
She helped form the first PyLadies chapter in Los Angeles in 2010, 
and co-authored an O'Reilly book along with several video courses 
on Python and data. 

She enjoys following the latest developments 
in machine learning, natural language processing and workflow automation 
infrastructure and is generally chatty and crabby on Twitter, 
where you can keep up with her latest shenanigans (@kjam).

The Keynote: If Ethics is not None
The history of computing, as it?s often covered in textbooks or talks, 
remains primarily focused on a series of hardware advancements, 
architectures, operating systems and software. 

In this talk, we will instead explore the history of ethics in computing, 
touching on the early days of computers in warfare and science, 
leading up to ethical issues today such as Artificial Intelligence and privacy regulation.

EuroPython 2017 Team <> <>

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From hendorf at  Thu May 18 08:38:11 2017
From: hendorf at (Alexander Hendorf)
Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 14:38:11 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017 Keynote: Katharine Jarmul
Message-ID: <>

We are pleased to announce our next keynote speaker for 
EuroPython 2017: 

                         * Katharine Jarmul * 

About Katharine Jarmul

Katharine Jarmul is a pythonista and founder of Kjamistan, 
a data consulting company in Berlin, Germany. 
She?s been using Python since 2008 to solve and create problems. 
She helped form the first PyLadies chapter in Los Angeles in 2010, 
and co-authored an O'Reilly book along with several video courses 
on Python and data. 

She enjoys following the latest developments 
in machine learning, natural language processing and workflow automation 
infrastructure and is generally chatty and crabby on Twitter, 
where you can keep up with her latest shenanigans (@kjam).

The Keynote: If Ethics is not None
The history of computing, as it?s often covered in textbooks or talks, 
remains primarily focused on a series of hardware advancements, 
architectures, operating systems and software. 

In this talk, we will instead explore the history of ethics in computing, 
touching on the early days of computers in warfare and science, 
leading up to ethical issues today such as Artificial Intelligence and privacy regulation.

EuroPython 2017 Team <> <>

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From hendorf at  Mon May 22 08:02:56 2017
From: hendorf at (Alexander Hendorf)
Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 14:02:56 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017 Keynote: Aisha Bello & Daniele Procida
Message-ID: <>

We are pleased to announce our next keynote speakers for EuroPython 2017: 

                 ** Aisha Bello & Daniele Procida ** 

About Aisha
Aisha currently serves as vice chair for the Python Nigeria community. 
She has helped co-organized and support a number of Django Girls workshops 
in Namibia & Nigeria. She also is a co-organizer for PyLadies Nigeria. 
She is an ardent Tech and Python community enthusiast with a strong desire and passion 
for social change, women?s tech education and empowerment in Africa. 

In 2016 she won the Django Software Foundation Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial 
prize for her contributions to the community. Currently she works as 
an Associate Systems Engineer for Cisco Systems.

About Daniele
Daniele is an avid contributor to open source software and its communities. 
He has been a core developer of Django for over three years and recently joined 
the Django Software Foundation board. He works at Divio, where he helps support 
and develop open source Django products. Daniele is a veteran community builder. 

His contribution as part of the organising committee of PyCon Namibia has been key 
in establishing a successful Python community in Namibia.

The Keynote: The Encounter: Python?s adventures in Africa
A genuine encounter changes both parties. In this talk Daniele and Aisha will report 
on the dialogue opened up by recent PyCons and other Python events in Africa. 

They?ll discuss Python?s impact in countries including Namibia, Nigeria and Zimbabwe, 
and what open-source software means for Africa at large 
- and what the encounter means for Python too.

EuroPython 2017 Team

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties:

From mal at  Wed May 24 10:47:57 2017
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 16:47:57 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017: Social event tickets available
Message-ID: <>

After trainings and talks, EuroPython is going (Coco)nuts ! Join us
for the EuroPython social event in Rimini, which will be held in the
Coconuts Club on Thursday, July 13th.

		   * EuroPython 2017 Social Event *

Tickets for the social event are not included in the conference
ticket. They are now available in our ticket store (listed under
?Goodies?) for the price of 25 EUR.

		   * EuroPython 2017 Ticket Store *

The social event ticket includes an aperitivo buffet of Italian
specialties, a choice of two drinks and a reserved area in the club
from 19:00 to 22:00. The club will open to the general public after

EuroPython 2017 Team

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From mal at  Fri May 26 07:23:27 2017
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 26 May 2017 13:23:27 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2017: Full session list online
Message-ID: <>

After the final review round, we are now happy to announce the
complete list of more than 200 accepted sessions.

		   * EuroPython 2017 Session List *

Here?s what we have on offer:

 - 5 keynotes
 - 157 talks
 - 20 trainings
 - 10 posters
 - 4 interactive sessions
 - 5 help desks
 - 2 EuroPython sessions

for a total of 203 sessions, arranged in 5 tracks from Monday, July
10, thru Friday, July 14, in addition to the Beginners? Day and Django
Girls workshops on Sunday, July 9, and the Sprints on the weekend July

Please see the session list for details and abstracts. In case you
wonder what poster, interactive and help desk sessions are, please
check the call for proposals:

Additional help desk slots available

We have 5 additional help desk slots available. If you are interested
in arranging one, please see our Call for Proposals for details and
contact program at to submit your proposal. Organizers of
help desks are eligible for a 25% ticket discount.

Schedule to be announced next week

Our program work group is now working hard on scheduling all these
sessions. We expect to announce the final schedule by the end of next

We will use the same conference schedule layout as in previous years:

 * Sunday, July 9: Beginners? Day and Django Girls workshops;
   registration desk opens

 * Monday - Friday, July 10-14: Conference talks, trainings, keynotes,
   help desks, interactive sessions, etc.

 * Saturday - Sunday, July 15-16: Sprints

A typical conference day will open the venue at 08:30, have the first
session around 09:00 and end at 18:30. Lunch breaks are scheduled for
around 13:15. Please note that we don?t serve breakfast.

Aside: If you haven?t done yet, please get your EuroPython 2017 ticket
soon. We will switch to on-desk rates in June, which will cost around
30% more than the regular rates.

EuroPython 2017 Team

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties: