From mal at Tue Aug 27 03:49:49 2019 From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg) Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 09:49:49 +0200 Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython Society Board 2019/2020 Message-ID: <> For those of you who were not at EuroPython 2019, we?re happy to announce our new board for the next term: - Anders Hammarquist (Treasurer) - Angel Ramboi - Jakub Musko - Marc-Andr? Lemburg (Chair) - Martin Christen (Vice Chair) - Raquel Dou - Silvia Uberti - Stephane Wirtel Together, we?ll head off into the EuroPython 2020 RFP process next month and then kick off planning next year?s conference. Help spread the word -------------------- Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social networks as widely as possible. Thank you ! Link to the blog post: Tweet: Enjoy, -- EuroPython Society