From mal at  Wed Jul  3 05:25:27 2019
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2019 11:25:27 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2019: Find a new job at the conference
Message-ID: <>

We?d like to draw your attention to our job board, with plenty of job
ads from our sponsors:

                      EuroPython 2019 Job Board

         * *

Our sponsors would love to get in touch with you, so please have a look
and visit them at their booth or contact them via the links and email
addresses given on the page.

Job ad emails

We will also send out job ad emails to attendees who have agreed to
receiving these emails. If you are interested, please log in, go to your
profile and enable the recruiting email option in the privacy section:

Note that we will not give your email addresses to sponsors, but only
send out these emails on behalf of them.

Dates and Venues

EuroPython will be held from July 8-14 2019 in Basel, Switzerland, at
the Congress Center Basel (CCB) for the main conference days (Wed-Fri)
and the FHNW Muttenz for the workshops/trainings/sprints days
(Mon-Tue, Sat-Sun).

The schedule is available at:

Tickets can be purchased on our registration page:

For more details, please have a look at our website and the FAQ:

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:


EuroPython 2019 Team

From mal at  Wed Jul  3 14:40:39 2019
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2019 20:40:39 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2019: Late Bird Rates and Day Passes
Message-ID: <>

We will be switching to the late bird rates for tickets on Saturday
(July 6), so this is your last chance to get tickets at the regular
rate, which is about 30% less than the late bird rate.

		       EuroPython 2019 Tickets

      * *

Late Bird Tickets

We will have the following categories of late bird ticket prices for
the conference tickets:

- Business conference ticket: EUR 775.00 excl. VAT, EUR 834.68
  incl. 7.7% Swiss VAT (for people using Python to make a living)

- Personal conference day pass: EUR 520.00 incl. 7.7% Swiss VAT (for
  people enjoying Python from home)

- Student conference ticket: not available (please get day passes or a
  personal ticket instead)

Day Passes

As in the past, we will also sell day passes for the conference. These
allow attending the conference for a single day (July 8 - 14; valid on
the day you pick up the day pass badge):

- Business conference day pass: EUR 390.00 excl. VAT, EUR 420.03
  incl. 7.7% Swiss VAT (for people using Python to make a living)

- Personal conference day pass: EUR 260.00 incl. 7.7% Swiss VAT (for
  people enjoying Python from home)

- Student conference day pass: EUR 110.00 incl. 7.7% Swiss VAT (only
  available for pupils, students and postdoctoral researchers; please
  bring your student card or declaration from University, stating your
  affiliation, starting and end dates of your contract)

Day passes are available starting today, Wednesday, July 3.

Please see the registration page for full details of what is included
in the ticket price. Also note that neither late bird tickets, nor day
passes are refundable.

Dates and Venues

EuroPython will be held from July 8-14 2019 in Basel, Switzerland, at
the Congress Center Basel (CCB) for the main conference days (Wed-Fri)
and the FHNW Muttenz for the workshops/trainings/sprints days
(Mon-Tue, Sat-Sun).

The schedule is available at:

Tickets can be purchased on our registration page:

For more details, please have a look at our website and the FAQ:

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:


EuroPython 2019 Team

From mal at  Fri Jul  5 15:40:06 2019
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2019 21:40:06 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2019: Attendee briefing
Message-ID: <>

EuroPython 2019 will start on Monday. Again we will have more than
a thousand attendees signed up and we're looking forward to an exciting
conference packed with more than 130 sessions from Monday - Sunday,
July 8 - 14.

Here's a summary of helpful information for all attendees:

1. Picking up your badge using your ticket ID
2. Conference App
3. Twitter handles
4. Social Event / Conference Dinner
5. Self-Organisation and Public Channels
6. Catering on Workshop and Training Days (Monday / Tuesday)
7. Drinking water


1. Picking up your badge using your ticket ID

As in past year, we are again using the ticket ID for badge pickup.
You can find your ticket ID in your account listed under

(on the left next to your tickets)

Please have this ID at hand when picking up your badge.

We are planning to open doors at 08:30 on Monday.

Our regular registration desk hours are : 09:00 - 17:00 from
Tuesday - Friday.


2. Conference App

We have created a dedicated mobile app to support your conference

The mobile app gives you access to the conference schedule (even
offline), helps you in planning your conference experience and
provides a rich social engagement platform for all attendees.

You can create a profile within the app (or link this to your existing
social accounts), share messages and photos, and easily reach out to
other fellow attendees.

Please note: You need to open a new account inside the app, it's not
connected to your EuroPython account. If you have had an account
in previous year, the app should recognize this and you don't have
to set it up again.

Download the Attendify app here:
	search for "EuroPython 2019" and enter the
	code "europython2019" to access the app

For more details have a look at:


3. Social media handles

Our official social media handle is:



4. Social Event

We are organizing a EuroPython Social Event at the FHNW Muttenz:

    on Thursday, 19:00 - 22:30

We serve finger food and cold drinks. We'll also have Python crafted
live music and a DJ for more conventional music.

You need an extra ticket for this event, it's not included in the
conference ticket.

The program and tickets can be found here:


5. Self-Organisation and Public Channels

We have a Telegram group attendees can chat with each other, it's
open for everyone to join:

We have set up a wiki page for attendees to self-organize and give
other attendees helpful tips:
Help on how to use it:

More info on our social channels.


6. Catering on Workshop and Training Days (Monday / Tuesday)

Please note that catering on the Monday and Tuesday is only included
for attendees who have a training or combined ticket.

If you don?t have such a ticket, you can still attend the free
sponsored trainings, the Beginners? Day and the many PewPew workshops
(remember, each attendee will get a PewPew device for free) on
Monday and Tuesday, but you will either have to pay in cash / with
card at the caterer or arrange food/drinks from the grocery
store at the ground floor. For coffee breaks you can go to the
ground floor, to the 12th floor of the FHNW building, or outside
at the beach bar (nice weather only) and buy drinks.

More information:


7. Drinking water

At the FHNW, you can bring your own water, if you like, and fill
up your bottle at the taps. Drinks are only available during
the coffee breaks and lunch.

At the CCB, we will have water dispensers throughout the day,
so you can bring your bottle and fill it up as needed.

If you have questions, please contact our helpdesk at
Replies to this email will not be read.

Dates and Venues

EuroPython will be held from July 8-14 2019 in Basel, Switzerland, at
the Congress Center Basel (CCB) for the main conference days (Wed-Fri)
and the FHNW Muttenz for the workshops/trainings/sprints days
(Mon-Tue, Sat-Sun).

The schedule is available at:

Tickets can be purchased on our registration page:

For more details, please have a look at our website and the FAQ:

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:


EuroPython 2019 Team