[EuroPython] Invitation to the EuroPython Society General Assembly 2019

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Wed Jun 26 16:46:16 EDT 2019

We would like to invite all EuroPython attendees and EuroPython
Society (EPS) members to attend this year’s EPS General Assembly (GA),
which we will run as in-person meeting at the upcoming EuroPython
2019, held in Basel, Switzerland from July 8 - 14.

Place of the General Assembly meeting

We will meet on Thursday, July 11 2019, at 16:05 CEST in room Boston
of the Congress Center Basel, Messeplatz 21, 4058 Basel, Switzerland.

There will be a short talk to invite volunteers to participate in
organizing EuroPython 2019 in preparation for next year’s event at
15:30 CEST in the same room, right before the General Assembly. You
may want to attend that talk as well. In this talk, we will present
the EuroPython Workgroup Concept, we have been using successfully for
the past years now.

General Assembly Agenda

The agenda contents for the assembly is defined by the EPS bylaws. We
are planning to use the following structure:

- Opening of the meeting
- Selection of meeting chair, secretary and 2 checkers of the minutes
- Motion establishing the timeliness of the call to the meeting
- Presentation of the annual report and annual accounts by the board
- Presentation of the report of the auditor
- Discharge from liability for the board
- Presentation of a budget by the outgoing board.
- Acceptance of budget and decision on membership fees for the
  upcoming year
- Election of members of the board
- Election of chair of the board
- Election of one auditor and one replacement. The auditor does not
  have to be certified in any way and is normally selected among the
  members of the society.
- The optional election of a nomination committee for the next annual
  meeting of the General Assembly
- Propositions from the board, if any
- Motions from the members, if any
- Closing of the meeting

In an effort to reduce the time it takes to go through this long list,
which is mandated by the bylaws, we will try to send as much
information to the members mailing list before the GA, so that we can
limit presentations to a minimum.

Election of the members of the board

The EPS bylaws limit the number of board members to one chair and 2 -
8 directors, at most 9 directors in total. Experience has shown that
the board members are the most active organizers of the EuroPython
conference, so we try to get as many board members as possible to
spread the work load.

All members of the EPS are free to nominate or self nominate board
members. Please write to board at europython-society.org no later than
Thursday, July 4 2019, if you want to run for board. We will then
include you in the list we’ll have in the final nomination
announcement before the GA, which is scheduled for July 5.

The following people from the current board have already shown
interest in running for board in the next term as well (in
alphabetical order):

- Martin Christen
- Silvia Uberti
- Anders Hammarquist
- Marc-André Lemburg

We will post more detailed information about the candidates and any
new nominations we receive in a separate blog post.

Propositions from the board

None at the moment.

The bylaws allow for additional propositions to be announced up until
5 days before the GA, so the above list is not necessarily the final

Motions from the members

None at the moment.

EPS members are entitled to suggest motions to be voted on at the
GA. The bylaws require any such motions to be announced at least 5
days before the GA. If you would like to propose a motion, please send
it to board at europython-society.org no later than Friday, July 4 2019,
so we can announce the final list to everyone.

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:




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