[EuroPython] EuroPython 2019: Please send in your feedback

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Mon Sep 2 06:06:05 EDT 2019

EuroPython 2019 is over now and so it’s time to ask around for what we
can improve next year. If you attended EuroPython 2019, please take a
few moments and fill in our feedback form, if you haven’t already done

		    EuroPython 2019 Feedback Form

	 * https://www.europython-society.org/feedback-2019 *

We will leave the feedback form online for a few weeks and then use
the information as basis for the work on EuroPython 2020 and also
intend to post a summary of the multiple choice questions (not the
comments to protect your privacy) on our website.

Many thanks in advance.

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:




EuroPython 2019 Team

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