[EuroPython] EuroPython 2020: Find a new job at the conference
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at europython.eu
Fri Jul 17 03:51:16 EDT 2020
We’d like to draw your attention to our job board, with plenty of job
ads from our sponsors:
* EuroPython 2020 Job Board *
Our sponsors would love to get in touch with you, so please have a
look and visit them at their sponsor exhibit channel on Discord or
contact them via the links and email addresses given on the page.
Job ad emails
We will also send out job ad emails to attendees who have agreed to
receiving these emails. If you are interested, please log in, go to
your profile and enable the recruiting email option in the privacy
Note that we will not give your email addresses to sponsors, but only
send out these emails on behalf of them.
Help spread the word
Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social networks
as widely as possible. Thank you !
Link to the blog post:
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