From mal at  Wed May  6 07:47:53 2020
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 13:47:53 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2020: Call for Sponsors
Message-ID: <>

Reach out to enthusiastic Python developers, users and professionals
worldwide by presenting your company at the first online EuroPython
conference ever, from July 23-26!

		 * EuroPython 2020 Sponsor Packages *

Sponsoring EuroPython guarantees you highly targeted visibility and
the opportunity to present yourself and your company in a professional
and innovative environment.

We have updated our in-person conference sponsor packages to the new
online format and lowered the prices, giving you an excellent
opportunity to reach out to attendees and even run your own virtual
rooms, text channels, talks and training sessions throughout the
conference and sprint days.

You will also be able to post job ads on our website and the
conference chat system, as well as get a mention and opportunity to
give away digital swag via our virtual exhibit page.

In addition, as a sponsor of EuroPython 2020, you will directly help
promote the work of a great open-source community which has become a
powerhouse of technological development and innovation.

Want to know more ?

Head over to the sponsor packages page and feel free to contact us
directly with any questions at sponsoring at

Special offer for early bird sponsors

Sponsors who sign up before or on May 15, will receive a special 10%
discount on the sponsor package price.

Become a sponsor and support EuroPython 2020 today !

You can sign up on the sponsor packages page:

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:


EuroPython 2020 Team

From mal at  Thu May  7 15:00:45 2020
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 7 May 2020 21:00:45 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] Sharing our research and licenses for going online
 with Python events
Message-ID: <>

In March 2020, we had to make a tough decision on whether to cancel
EuroPython 2020 or run it online. Since we did not want to lose
continuity and all the work we had already put into the in-person
event, we decided to go for an online version.

Now, just as many other in-person events, running the online version
required a lot of research, experimentation, gaining knowledge in
using online conference tools and finding a concept which would allow
us to carry over as much of the in-person conference experience to the
online version as possible.

		      * EuroPython 2020 Online *

This is an on-going effort, but we believe that our existing research
will help other Python events go online as well and want to share this
knowledge with you.

Running Online Conferences

The two central documents we have are:

- EuroPython 2020 - Online Conference Tools

  This covers research on a lot of different tools available out
  there, our experience with them, hints and tips on how to use them
  effectively (esp. for Zoom and Discord).

- EuroPython 2020 - Virtual Conference Concept

  Since we had to start afresh with the conference concept, we ran and
  still are running a brainstorming phase to come up with ideas and
  are now starting to materialize these into a concept, which we?ll
  use as basis for running EuroPython this year.

If you have questions around these documents and their content, feel
free to contact us at helpdesk at

Sharing our Zoom Webinar and Pro licenses

In addition to sharing our research, we?d also like to share the Zoom
Webinar and Pro licenses we have with other events, where possible. We
have already shared them with:

- PyAmsterdam
- Remote Python Pizza

The only thing we ask is that some of our work group members can
participate in the event as co-host to observe and help, since we need
to train and gain more experience in using these tools. As a bonus, we
can also help with the configuration and share our existing

If you?re interested in this, please get in contact with us at
helpdesk at

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:


EuroPython 2020 Team

From mal at  Fri May  8 10:57:05 2020
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 16:57:05 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2020: Second call for proposals (CFP) -
 Going global
Message-ID: <>

After participating in several other online events in Europe, we found
that there is a lot of interest in these events from other time zones
as well. This is a real advantage of running an online event: without
the need to travel, joining an event becomes much easier.

		  * EuroPython 2020 Online 2nd CFP *

To make it possible for speakers from the Americas and
India/Asia/Pacific regions to give talks at EuroPython 2020 as well,
we have decided to extend the schedule and provide extra slots in the
CEST morning and the evening hours, so that we can have almost 80 talk
slots available, and run a second CFP with specific emphasis on
submissions from outside the central European time zones.

Submitting a talk

We will run this second CFP from May 11 until May 24.

To submit a talk, please visit our CFP page on the website. This has
all the necessary details on how to submit a talk.

We would also welcome submissions for helpdesks and posters,
regardless of time zone, since we haven?t received any in the first

Results from the first CFP

The results from the first CFP will be announced on Sunday (May 10).

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:


EuroPython 2020 Team

From mal at  Sun May 10 11:16:26 2020
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 17:16:26 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2020: First part of the program available
Message-ID: <>

Our program work group (WG) has been working hard over the last week
to select the first batch of sessions for EuroPython 2020, based on
your talk voting and our diversity criteria.

We?re now happy to announce the first 60 talks, brought to you by 61

		   * EuroPython 2020 Session List *

We will have over 80 sessions for EP2020

Tomorrow, we will open the second CFP to fill the additional slots we
have added for the Americas, India/Asian/Pacific time zones. This will
then complete the program for EP2020, with over 80 sessions by more
than 80 speakers waiting for you ? from all over the world !

Waiting List

Some talks are still in the waiting list. We will inform all speakers
who have submitted talks about the selection status by email.

Full Schedule

The full schedule will be available shortly after we have completed
the second CFP, later in May.

Conference Tickets

Conference tickets are available on our registration page. We have
simplified and greatly reduced the prices for the EP2020 online

As always, all proceeds from the conference will go into our grants
budget, which we use to fund financial aid for the next EuroPython
edition, special workshops and other European conferences and

		* EuroPython Society Grants Program *

We hope to see lots of you at the conference in July. Rest assured
that we?ll make this a great event again ? even within the limitations
of running the conference online.

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:


EuroPython 2020 Team

From mal at  Fri May 29 10:36:11 2020
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2020 16:36:11 +0200
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2020: Schedule published
Message-ID: <>

We are very excited to announce the first version of our EuroPython
2020 schedule:

		     * EuroPython 2020 Schedule *

More sessions than we ever dreamed of

After the 2nd CFP, we found that we had so many good talk submissions
that we were able to open a fourth track. Together with the newly
added slots for the Indian / Asian / Pacific and Americas time zones,
we now have a fully packed program, with:

- more than 110 sessions
- more than 110 speakers from around the world
- 4 brilliant keynotes, two of which are already published
- 2 exciting lightning talk blocks
- 4 all-day tracks, with a whole track dedicated to data science topics
- a poster track, which we?ll announce next week
- a virtual social event
- an after party
- and lots of socializing on our conference platform

We are proud to have reached almost the size of our in-person event
with the online version of EuroPython 2020.

Never miss a talk

All talks will be made available to the attendees as live Webinars,
with easy switching between tracks, as well as online streams, which
will allow rewinding to watch talks you may have missed during the

Conference Tickets

Conference tickets are available on our registration page. We have
simplified and greatly reduced the prices for the EuroPython 2020
online edition:

As always, all proceeds from the conference will go into our grants
budget, which we use to fund financial aid for the next EuroPython
edition, special workshops and other European conferences and

		* EuroPython Society Grants Program *

We hope to see lots of you at the conference in July. Rest assured
that we?ll make this a great event again ? even within the limitations
of running the conference online.


On Saturday and Sunday, we will have sprints/hackathons on a variety
of topics. Registration of sprint topics has already started. If you
would like to run a sprint, please add your sprint topic to the wiki
page we have available for this:

		 * EuroPython 2020 Sprints Listing *

If registrations continue as they currently do, we will have a few
hundred people waiting to participate in your sprint projects, so this
is the perfect chance for you to promote your project and find new

Participation in the sprints is free, but does require
registration. We will provide the necessary collaboration tools in
form of dedicated Jitsi or Zoom virtual rooms and text channels on our
Discord server.

EuroPython is your conference

EuroPython has always been a completely volunteer based effort. The
organizers work hundreds of hours to make the event happen and will
try very hard to create an inspiring and exciting event.

However, we can only provide the setting. You, as our attendees, are
the ones who fill it with life and creativity.

We are very much looking forward to having you at the conference !

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:


EuroPython 2020 Team