[Expat-bugs] [ expat-Bugs-620343 ] segfault: bad API/callback interaction

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Tue, 08 Oct 2002 10:36:23 -0700

Bugs item #620343, was opened at 2002-10-08 12:50
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Fred L. Drake, Jr. (fdrake)
Assigned to: Fred L. Drake, Jr. (fdrake)
Summary: segfault: bad API/callback interaction

Initial Comment:
There is a bad interaction between the call to the
start element handler and the Expat API:  After the
presence of the callback is checked, the addBinding()
function can call XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser,
NULL), after which doContent() will still attempt to
call the start element handler.  This results in a call
to the NULL address, resulting in a memory fault.

This is unlikely to be an issue for applications
written entirely in C, but can reasonably happen when a
wrapper library clears callbacks when an error
condition or exception has been detected.

I've attached a patch and a regression test for this case.


>Comment By: Fred L. Drake, Jr. (fdrake)
Date: 2002-10-08 13:36

Logged In: YES 

Original patch checked in as lib/xmlparse.c 1.92 and
tests/runtests.c 1.36, before I saw Karl's comments.

Karl:  Yes, we should probably fix things so the namespace
decl handlers can be set independently, as the API suggests.
 I can take care of this, unless you beat me to it.  ;-)

Don't know that it warrants a separate issue report, so I'll
leave this one as fixed but open for now.


Comment By: Karl Waclawek (kwaclaw)
Date: 2002-10-08 13:21

Logged In: YES 

Yes, verified. To be precise, addBinding() can call back
to startNamespaceDeclHandler() which then allows
the application to clear the startElementHandler.

One comment: storeAtts() is called like this

  if (startElementHandler) {
    result = storeAtts(parser, ...);

presumably because the attributes should only be
stored if needed for the startElementHandler.
However, storeAtts does double duty by also
processing namespace declarations and calling

So, if that handler is set, should then not storeAtts()
be called like this:

  if (startElementHandler || startNamespaceDeclHandler)
    result = storeAtts(parser, ...);

And, if true, one should then apply this logic to the
other occasions when storeAtts() is called.

Or does it not make sense to set 
startNamespaceDeclHandler when
startElementHandler is cleared?


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