[Expat-checkins] CVSROOT commitinfo,1.4,1.5
Fred L. Drake
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 09:23:19 -0700
Update of /cvsroot/expat/CVSROOT
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv4998
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Comment out the test, and add a comment about the issues I found.
(I wanted to always run xmlwf for the documentation, to make sure it
was at least checked to be well-formed XHTML.)
Index: commitinfo
RCS file: /cvsroot/expat/CVSROOT/commitinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- commitinfo 29 Aug 2002 16:18:48 -0000 1.4
+++ commitinfo 29 Aug 2002 16:23:17 -0000 1.5
@@ -14,4 +14,11 @@
# If the name "ALL" appears as a regular expression it is always used
# in addition to the first matching regex or "DEFAULT".
-expat/doc /home/groups/e/ex/expat/bin/checkhtml.sh
+# NOTE: The CVS server doesn't have access to the project home
+# directories, so scripts must be stored in the CVSROOT
+# directory. This doesn't appear promising if we want the
+# script to run some project-specific binary executable, since
+# then we need to commit the binary into the CVSROOT directory
+# as well. ;-(
+#expat/doc /home/groups/e/ex/expat/bin/checkhtml.sh