[Expat-checkins] expat/win32 MANIFEST.txt,1.2,1.3

fdrake@users.sourceforge.net fdrake@users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jul 11 22:07:02 2002

Update of /cvsroot/expat/expat/win32
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv3735

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add a note about the Borland compiler support files.
Move the second column of the table right a couple of spaces to
there's space for the long directory name on the left.

Index: MANIFEST.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/expat/expat/win32/MANIFEST.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- MANIFEST.txt	27 Jul 2001 20:35:39 -0000	1.2
+++ MANIFEST.txt	12 Jul 2002 05:06:17 -0000	1.3
@@ -6,19 +6,22 @@
 use Expat in their applications.  In the list below, <top> is the
 directory you specified to the installer.
-    Directory         Contents
-    ------------------------------------------------------------------
-    <top>\            The XML well-formedness checker and some general
-                      information files.
+    Directory           Contents
+    --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    <top>\              The XML well-formedness checker and some general
+                        information files.
-    <top>\Doc\        API documentation for developers.
+    <top>\Doc\          API documentation for developers.
-    <top>\Libs\       Pre-compiled libraries for developers.
+    <top>\Libs\         Pre-compiled libraries for developers.
-    <top>\Source\     Source code, which may interest some developers,
-                      including a workspace for Microsft Visual C++.
-                      The source code includes the parser, the well-
-                      formedness checker, and a couple of small sample
-                      applications.
+    <top>\Source\       Source code, which may interest some developers,
+                        including a workspace for Microsft Visual C++.
+                        The source code includes the parser, the well-
+                        formedness checker, and a couple of small sample
+                        applications.
-    <top>\Unistall\   The uninstaller and its data files.
+    <top>\Source\bcb5\  Project files for Borland C++ Builder 5 and BCC
+                        5.5.
+    <top>\Unistall\     The uninstaller and its data files.