[Expat-discuss] Stopping the parse -- anybody home?

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Wed, 18 Apr 2001 13:04:05 -0400 (EDT)

bronson@rinspin.com writes:
 > I'm in a callback, and I've just run out of memory.  I'd like to stop
 > parsing.  Is there any way to do this?  Right now I just longjmp my
 > way all the way out, but that's almost guaranteed to cause memory
 > leaks and confuse Expat's internals.
 > Is there any better way of stopping parsing?  Thanks,

  Not that I can tell!  This would be a very welcome addition to the
API, I'm sure.  It looks like I'll be able to spend some time on Expat
next week; I'll keep this new requirement in mind.

 > I asked this same question last week.  Since I got no replies, I assume
 > the answer is, "no"?  Can someone reassure me that this even made it to
 > the list?  Thanks,

  Sorry; all of us have been completely swamped.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Digital Creations