[Expat-discuss] is expat a reentrant parser

Josh Martin josh.martin@abq.sc.philips.com
Fri, 3 Aug 2001 09:49:28 -0700

This message was sent from Geocrawler.com by "Josh Martin" <josh.martin@abq.sc.philips.com>

>>SheelR@aol.com writes:
>>         Is expat reentrant?
>  I'm not entirely sure what you mean here.  If
you create several
>parsers, you should be able to use them at the
same time (from
>different threads or whatever).  You probably
don't want to muck
>around with a parser while it is actively
parsing, aside from calling
>the defined APIs to add/change callbacks.


>  -Fred
>Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
>PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

Reentrant Functions:

  Reentrant functions (and functions which are not
by signals) are defined as functions that may be
invoked, without
restriction, from signal-catching functions. A
function is reentrant
only if, when invoked inside a signal-catching
function, it does
not adversly affect the normal flow of operations
of the function
or code that the signal-catching function
interrupted. In other
words, reentrant functions aren't going to
unexpectedly change
any critical values, and thus the result of the
operations, if they
are invoked in the middle of a function.

  I'm not positive that this is the meaning that
SheelR was going
for, but this is the "standard" meaning of a
reentrant function.
Personally, I would like to know the answer to
this question,
given this definition of reentrant.

 - Josh Martin

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