[Expat-discuss] How can I add a function to skip a set number of bytes

Michael B. Allen mballen@erols.com
Thu, 30 Aug 2001 14:24:12 -0400

Sorry if I lost track of the thread but did you participate in the
recent XML_GetInputContext discussion? If not, maybe that's something
you can use?


On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 01:40:27PM -0500, Joe Wiemann wrote:
> But I cannot 100 percent guarantee that the closing tag won't appear
within the text. so it would be better if I could just skip a set number
of bytes in the parser buffer.
> You don't want to "skip some bytes", you want to skip that tag and all
> it's children? This is very simple to do with Expat. Look at the outline.c

Wow a memory-mapped fork bomb! Now what on earth did you expect? - lkml