[Expat-discuss] xmlwf test harness

Patrick McCormick patrick@MEER.NET
Thu Feb 21 14:48:05 2002

I looked at check, and I am not really happy with it either.

What does expat need from a test harness?  Does it need process-separation
(a la check?)

It could be that a simple home-grown scheme would suffice for basic
functionality testing.  Here's a first cut at requirements:

1) easy to add tests
2) automatable
3) not overly dependent on outside packages

because I'd like to see something that people will be able to easily add
checks without having to download a zillion packages or wade through
lengthy instructions.  Otherwise, nobody writes checks, and no unit tests
for expat. :(

What do other projects use for a test harness?  Are there tiny macro-driven
solutions that we could adopt?
