[Expat-discuss] building validation on top of expat

Chris Cross xcross@us.ibm.com
Tue Nov 26 14:29:00 2002

I've read this here several times, that validation can be built on top of
Expat. For the relative newbie, how would you do this? What's the general

Karl Waclawek karl@waclawek.net
Fri, 4 Oct 2002 00:34:53 -0400

> As described in the document of 1.95.5, there is a new function
XML_UseForeignDTD added.
> I am not sure what this function is used for exactly.

If the XML document does not specify an external DTD, setting this flag
will make Expat request an external DTD anyway, thus allowing you
to supply a DTD of your choice.

> But my question is that is the new version of Expat a validating parser?

No, and there are no plans to make it one.
Validation can be built on top of Expat, however.


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