[Expat-discuss] Re: Expat release

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at acm.org
Thu Jan 16 02:18:48 EST 2003

Martin v. Löwis writes:
 > Do you think an Expat release might be forthcoming?

Jeremy Kloth writes:
 > I was wondering when 1.95.6 is planned on being released.  The CVS no
 > longer causes segfaults in our project (Fourthought's 4Suite), however I
 > would rather use a released version.

Martin, Jeremy,

Yes, we're planning a 1.95.6 release in the near future.  The catch

Karl Waclawek writes:
 > This is a matter of having the time to wrap it all up.
 > Fred is behind a little - wink,wink. ;-)

...that Karl is a master of understatement!  I don't think there's a
lot that needs to be done, but I do want to bring up some API issues
on the expat-discuss list related to the XML_GetMemSuite() proposal.
I started to write up the issues I see, but haven't had time to finish
that and send it to the list.

I'll take your gentle prods to mean I need to spend an evening
finishing that up and getting it to the list, so we can decide what
needs to be done for 1.95.6 and what should be done later.

Sorry for the delays; there's definately a need to get 1.95.6 out the


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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