[Expat-discuss] expat in C++

Sergio Barbosa Villas-Boas villas at del.ufrj.br
Tue Jun 24 12:18:40 EDT 2003

> > Could this be done in the default
> > expat's code?  Thanks..  michal
> It's not at all clear what you need.  Expat is a C library, but most
> of the C++ compilers out there should be fairly happy with it.  We
> normally build it with support for C++ exceptions, so I don't
> understand what you're having problems with.
> Please be more specific; it'll be easier to help.

I agree with michal.

Expat is written in "tricky C", that is,
a kind of C code that a more strict C++ compiler
won't accept.

My VC6SP5 can't compile expat directly.
I use the binary version of it, but that's not the way
it should be.

I'm still looking for an expat based C++ code, 
that compiles easily in every important C++ compiler.

Should someone have it, I'd be glad to see a copy.

 +------+  Sergio Barbosa Villas-Boas                
/------/|  villas at del.ufrj.br
| sbVB |/  http://www.del.ufrj.br/~villas http://www.sbVB.net
+------+   ICQ: 15360729

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