[Expat-discuss] (no subject)

Toni Uusitalo toni.uusitalo at pan.nu
Thu Nov 27 11:16:16 EST 2003

 >Toni, thanks for the reply. I understand it a bit better now.
 >However I cannot just translate all LF's to CRLF's since our data can
 >contain LF or CRLF and this must be preserved.  Do you have any idea how 
I could solve this?

Elsewhere you could use 
 entities (converting input CRs into 

 etc - ugh!), but not in CDATA section.

I suppose you can decide to use CR or LF or CRLF in CDATA section. No? If 
not, I don't know a way to solve this, sorry.

with respect.

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