[Expat-discuss] how to encode xml document?

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at acm.org
Mon Oct 27 13:43:17 EST 2003

Wendell Turner writes:
 > How can I generate an XML document?  That is, given that the
 > (first) XML document has been input and decoded by XML_Parse, I
 > want to change some of the data fields, and output a (second)
 > valid XML document.  Are there routines in expat that do this,
 > or does each element handler need to know how to do a 'printf'
 > of its data, surrounded by the appropriate tags and attributes?

Expat does not include any facilities for representing an XML document
in memory or for serializing such a document.  There are a variety of
libraries built on top of Expat; some of these are likely to provide
this facility.

More information on 3rd-party libraries built on top of Expat can be
found at:



Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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