[Expat-discuss] Bugs in expat 1.95.8 [WAS: Expat 1.95.8 fails on XML with newline]

Enrico Weigelt weigelt at metux.de
Tue Dec 14 17:44:23 CET 2004

* rolf at pointsman.de <rolf at pointsman.de> wrote:

> > I really dont care about such fundamentalists. 
> > XML is a text format, and those normally have dozens over newlines. 
> > I dont see where kindly accepting some additional newlines makes
> > any trouble. Expat is per definition an non-validating parser and
> > thus is not intendet for syntax checking. 
> This is not about fundamentalism, but about playing under the
> rules. For the current matter, the rules are very clear. There are
> even a reason for that rule (to simplify a bit the process of
> autodetection of the document encoding).

hmm, okay.

overscanning some leading newlines (IMHO) wouldnt be problem, but its 
probably better to lay this in the hands of the application or add
an special mode for that. at this point we also could implement 
other things like passing common entities as they are. 

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service

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