[Expat-discuss] Support for schema validation?

Simon Kitching simon at ecnetwork.co.nz
Wed Jul 7 08:10:51 CEST 2004


I'm looking for an xml parser to use in our in-house software. 

We've been using a very old version of expat for a while now. We now
need to start doing more sophisticated xml work, including validating
documents against schemas.

Does expat support w3c schema validation?

And on a more general topic, is there a list of Expat features anywhere?
There is very little info on the expat website other than a roadmap
dated 5 September 2002!

The "reference.html" file present in the download is nice [may I suggest
it be put on the website?]. However it still doesn't present a quick
list of features.

After reading the reference.html doc, it *seems* that schema support is
not a goal of expat, but I thought I would check here first..

Thanks in advance,


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