[Expat-discuss] Handling text that occurs in multiple places inside of start and end tags

Nick MacDonald nickmacd at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 04:26:31 CEST 2004

I am creating my own expat wrapper that will work somewhat like SAX (I
probably should have used someone elses, but I didn't know where to
look when I started this project, and now I 95% done and determined to
finish my own.)

I am getting the start/text/end call backs in the order you would
expect, and I am happy with the results.  I was considering
implementing an "all tag data at once" capability, but I can't think
of any really good way to handle the case where you have text for one
tag intermixed with other tags.

I am working with the following XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TestTag1 Param1="Value1" Param2="Value2 with spaces">
  Some data for TestTag1
  Some more data for TestTag1
    <TestTag4 Param1="Value1"/>
  Still more data for TestTag1

What I would like to see happen:
callback4TestTag1(2, paramNames, paramValues, text)

and the value for "text" in the first call back would be:
"Some data for TestTag1
Some more data for TestTag1
Still more data for TestTag1"

Short of implementing a full DOM, can anyone suggest a good memory
efficient way to deal with this case.  So far, my only hope, short of
putting it all on a huge stack and or using DOM is to read the same
file multiple times, and that just isn't a pretty thought.

Is there some trick I could use in expat to achieve this?

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