[Expat-discuss] Well-formed XML question

Karl Waclawek karl at waclawek.net
Tue Feb 8 16:01:19 CET 2005

Steve Emmons wrote:

> <M2MXML ver="1.0"td="1234567890"><Command
> name="requestPercept"seq="3"/></M2MXML>
> Note that there is no space between the end of a quoted string and the
> beginning of the next attribute. I'm told this is "well-formed" by provider,
> but EXPAT doesn't like it. I can understand the argument that it is OK
> because the quote provides a delimiter that helps distinguish the tokens. An
> Open Source Java library called KXML apparently thinks this form is just
> fine.
> Is EXPAT too restrictive? Can it be made to relax this constraint? (I don't
> have control over the source, so I need to figure out how to consume it.)

Expat is right. Check out http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-starttags .


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