[Expat-discuss] Simple question

Karl Waclawek karl at waclawek.net
Tue Jan 25 15:00:07 CET 2005

Stefan A Letz wrote:
> Actually, you don't need to free the user data if it's still valid after 
> the parse. In most cases, the user data pointer is a pointer to the 
> parser, so no clean-up is necessary as Expat simply sets its internal user 
> data pointer to NULL. As far as I see, there's no way around setting the 
> user data pointer and the handlers again.

I think that this could probably be changed - at the moment
I can't see a reason why XML_ParserReset() has to clear userData
and all handlers. There may have been a reason, but if there was I forgot.

Why don't you make a feature request on the SF project site?


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