[Expat-discuss] Setting a CDATA handler in Expat

Frank Moore francis.moore at rawflow.com
Fri Apr 7 14:40:28 CEST 2006


Can anyone tell me how to set a CDATA event handler in Python using Expat.
I'm currently using the Expat XML Parser (version 1.95.5).
And this is the Python code:

      outFile = file(localPlayerHtml, 'w')
      inFile = file(tempPlayerHtml, 'r')
      htmlparser = saxexts.make_parser()
      htmlhandler = PlayerHtmlHandler(outFile, stream)
      htmlparser.StartCdataSectionHandler = 
PlayerHtmlHandler.startCDATA     <-- here
      htmlparser.EndCdataSectionHandler = 
PlayerHtmlHandler.endCDATA       <-- and here

The class PlayerHtmlHandler(saxlib.HandlerBase) in file 
PlayerHtmlHandler.py contains the following two functions:

   def startCDATA(self):
     print "Starting CDATA..."
   def endCDATA(self):
     print "Finishing CDATA..."

And I'm including the contents of PlayerHtmlHandler using the import 

from PlayerHtmlHandler import *

For some reason when I run the code, the two CDATA handlers are not called.

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?

Many thanks,

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