[Expat-discuss] Expat and JavaScript

Franky Braem franky.braem at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 19:34:08 CEST 2006

Karl Waclawek wrote:
> I know nothing about the wx API, but it seems that maybe you are 
> calling the
> wxstring constructor with the wrong arguments. "name" is already in 
> UTF-16 encoding,
> so why pass an instance of wxMBConvUTF16 (Google indicates this is 
> used for converting
> from UTF-8 to UTF-16)?
Actually the passed encoding is not used, because wxJS uses wxWidgets in 
unicode. As stated in the wxWidgets manual:
wxString*(*const wchar_t**/ psz/, *wxMBConv 
conv/, *size_t*/ nLength = wxSTRING_MAXLEN/)

Initializes the string from first /nLength/ characters of wide string. 
The default value of wxSTRING_MAXLEN means take all the string. In ANSI 
build, /conv/'s WC2MB 
method is called to convert /psz/ to wide string. It is ignored in 
Unicode build.

The weird characters already shows up in the XML_Char argument of the 


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