[Expat-discuss] parsing a stream of XML over a socket

Ben Pirt ben at moreassociates.com
Sun Jun 4 17:14:39 CEST 2006

Hi All,
I have just started trying to work with expat so that I can send out  
a stream of XML data over a socket so that a client can display the  
results. I have already written the server in java and am currently  
coding up a client in C which is where expat comes in. The problem I  
am having is that C reads the socket in chunks at a time and so when  
I pass a chunk to expat it will often throw an error. What is the  
best approach for this problem? Is there a way to tell expat to keep  
parsing a stream of XML? Is expat even the right parser to use?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Ben Pirt

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