[Expat-discuss] How to build expat in Borland C++?

Karl Waclawek karl at waclawek.net
Wed Mar 28 15:02:21 CEST 2007

Raúl wrote:
> Hello, sorry for my bad english.
> I tried to build expat for Borland, but I have more problems. 
> First, I read the Readme.txt file, and I do these steps:
> 1) Add "C:\Borland\BCC55\BIN" to your path
> 2) Set the environment variable BCB to "C:\Borland\BCC55".
> 3) edit makefile.mak: enable or comment out the appropriate commands under
>    clean & distclean, depending on whether your OS can use deltree /y or
>    del /s/f/q.
> After that, you should simply cd to the bcb5 directory in your Expat
> directory
> tree (same structure as CVS) and run "make all" or just "make".
> but the result of make is this:
> C:\Expat-2.0.0\Source\bcb5>make -l -fmakefile.mak
> makefile.mak:4: *** missing separator.  Stop.

Works fine for me.
The obvious first: Do you actually have BCC55 installed under 
Also, make sure the BCC55 path is the first on the path, so that the 
correct make gets called.

That's all I can think of.


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