[Expat-discuss] How to get the value of an element

Sebastian Pipping webmaster at hartwork.org
Thu May 24 23:44:42 CEST 2007

Bin Chen wrote:
> Thanks, but that's not I want, I translate below code to C and run, then
> find many useless char is also captured. I don't need any other useless
> char other than the value of f2, is there any better way to do this?
> The CharacterDataHandler seems a handler for every char that not
> processed by "element handler", is it right? So something like '\t' and
> '\n' are also be handled, and it's totally context free.
> I want the content of f2, it is context sensitive, there are no API for
> this?

No. Expat is a "low level" parser so you trade in
more work for more speed and flexibility.
You will have to track tag starts and endings
yourself (or use a DOM parser instead).

Expat has to report all the whitespace since it by
default is significant. Before throwing the whitespace
away make sure the language/schema you parse tells you to.

Are you implementing your own or a known format?


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