[Expat-discuss] extracting value other than element and attribute

yuki latt yuki.latt at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 03:32:32 CEST 2008


    Thank you so much for your kind help. I am sorry to bother you again and
Although I have tried it in several ways, I havent get it yet.

My simple xml file is as follows. (real xml file is sooo huge)

<Company ID="001">
            <Head> Mr. Smith </Head>
                <Staff> Mr. Clark</Staff>

I want to extract the names of the heads of all departments ( Mr. Smith).

Followings are my dirty codes. :)

void XMLCALL elementText(void *userData,const char *xmlData,int len)

    char* startTag = "<Head>";
    char* endTag = "</Head>";
    char* startLocation;
    char* endLocation;
    char* tempString=NULL;

    int tempLength;

           // find the length of string of " <Head> ... </Company>
            startLocation = strstr(xmlData,startTag)+strlen(startTag);

           // find the length of string of " </Head> ... </Company>

            endLocation = strstr(xmlData,endTag); //Find the end of your

           // find the difference
            tempLength = endLocation - startLocation; //Calculate the length
of the string

           // allocate the memory for tempString
            tempString = malloc(tempLength);

           // Copy string to tempString ( it will be Mr. Smith)
            strncpy(tempString,startLocation,tempLength); //Extract your
            printf("%s \n",tempString);



If there is only one entry for <Head> </Head> as above, it works.
 But the program still prints Mr. Smith for 4 times. I dont know how to
handle it. :(

 If there is two entries for Head as follows
                      <Head> Mr. Smith </Head>
                      <Staff> Mr. Clark</Staff>

                    <Head>Mr. James</Head>
                    <Staff>Mr. Paul</Staff>
             </Account> )

the program shows the following erros-

12 [main] my_exe 416 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state
(probably corrupted stack)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Any help would be much appreciated.


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