[Flask] slightly OT: packaging/moving flask app with virtualenv

Alex Hall ahall at autodist.com
Wed May 4 09:06:20 EDT 2016

Hey list,
At the urging of several members here, I'll give virtualenv a shot while
I'm installing and moving everything. Currently, I have my Flask app
working. It's small--just a couple pages with a bunch of JS--but does need
Pyodbc and WTF to work. Is there a way I can take my existing app, put it
into a virtual environment, and toss the whole thing on my Debian server?
I've installed virtualenv on the server already, as well as UWSGI. Is this
doable, or should I upload the entire directory and somehow put it into a
virtual environment on the server? Am I too late--that is, can this only be
done when you start a new project?

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
ahall at autodist.com
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